. I ordered 2 Phonesuit-flex portable pocket chargers for the Iphone 5 and have nothing done visa

Ordered 2 PhoneSuit-flex portable chargers for the Iphone5 and it looks like came off my visa I do not see anything being set in motion on sending it to me Why? Order#322350929554

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You bought

You paid

EBay gave you an estimated delivery window .

Has the last estimated delivery date passed?

If so you have 30 days to open an Item Not Received dispute in the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page.

If the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping - delivery) you will be refunded.


Do NOT accept an offer of a replacement. That won't arrive either.

Do NOT get into a conversation. You want a useable tracking number, preferably one that shows your purchase is in Canada OR a refund.


If the 30 days have passed, you can open a Dispute through your Paypal payment.

The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of your PP account page under Tools.

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