why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

after getting the offer 2000 free listings if you list in canadian dollars,my sales have come to a complete halt,i dont get it at all, i was doing great till i changed it from us dollars i see to us as well as canada,most sales come from the us a few from canada

Message 1 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

 Hi aubrey!  It's because of the discrepancy of the USA dollar ratio to our Canadian dollar. Business is business!  Change your currency listings to US dollars, and you'll get more favourable  purchases from the largest demographic on the continent and that would be our neighbours to the south, the  USA !! ( I think we fought a war along with them??) They like to buy from Canuck sellers when our dollar is low, they have more purchasing power. My US customers represented  93% of my sales from 2003 to 2008. When their economy tanked in 2008, things really slowed...Like I said..business is business..Good luck..Sincerely,Ace 


Message 2 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

US buyers search on dotCOM.

Searching on dotCOM shows prices in US dollars.


If your items are price sensitive, you have to seem competitive with US sellers.


I really think, if price sensitivity is important, that Canadian postage costs are a greater problem than the asking price.


That being said, I won't be listing in Canadian dollars unless my likely customer is actually Canadian, since $9.99 (or ever $12.99) CDN makes her happier than $9.99 (or $7.50) USD.


Canadian and overseas customers can handle details like US customers. Americans understand only the US dollar. Don't panic them.

Message 3 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

This most recent promotion... with the currency as Canadian dollars could be a test.


A Test to see how listings with Canadian dollars as a currency would work.... sales.....



eBay has to be careful with saying Canadian dollars on eBay Canada.... with an end to US dollars.


If things go wrong..  it could be a mess....  then what?



We have done well with the use of US dollars....   where


For many  Canadian sellers, the US is a primary source for sales... and where the selling in US dollars is a well defined benefit.


US Buyers understand  their own currency... US dollars..



A transition to Canadian dollars for... all.. Canadian sellers  may never prove to be advantageous... 



and what happens if ....everything.... goes .... wrong





Message 4 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

"after getting the offer 2000 free listings if you list in canadian dollars"




That promotion was offered a few days ago. Looking at your sales in the last six months, you sell about ten items monthly (two or three a week).  It is frankly much too early to come to any conclusion about your listings in Canadian dollars.



Message 5 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

About 95% of my buyers are from the US, listing in Canadian dollars would not be good for me.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Always baffled by this "Americans don't understand"


There is nothing to understand the wey eBay converts everything to local currency and PayPal automatically converts the payment.  


If never gotten a single comment about currency from many usa sales.  I don't want to start linking to random sellers who aren't here, but its easy enough to find can$ sellers among the largest in Canada.  Some of the ones who use us$ only do it because that was the only way they could use channel adviser, or they want to use/calculate the USPS services they use.


The eBay staffer fiinally alluded to where the 15% more likely to sell in $us, it was so old it was back when there was no way to send can$ from the usa, and eBay didnt display the conversions as they do now.  


Op doesn't sell enough to draw any conclusion regardless of what happens

Message 7 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Also notice the couple can$ listings I looked at were listed far higher then they didn't sell in $us, so there is no reason to expect they will sell

Message 8 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Well, this is interesting. I looked at a couple of Aubrey's listings. Those that are listed in US dollars on ca show the shipping in US dollars, on com.


Those that are listed in CDN dollars on ca, show in US dollars on com, BUT, the shipping continues to show in "C" to the US on com.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

As a seller of books... and with the shipping cap on eBay.com.


There is no way I could sell in US dollars on eBay.com



It was in September 2008 that I moved all my listings to eBay Canada...


to get away from the shipping cap... and continued to sell in US dollars.



How will a 100 % shift to Canadian dollars affect me?


and what if sales go......no one knows....where....

Message 10 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Depends what you are looking at (op has listing with both currencies),  and where you are looking



On the item page it will show original and converted amounts of both item and shipping.  In the search page it will show US$ amounts.  Its actually an option to customize "Convert prices to U.S. dollars', which i doubt anyone ever changes from what ebay defaults too.   So an American looking at search results is seeing everything on the same currency basis


Message 11 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Getting away from the USA  vs Canadian dollar debate, anyone think that maybe giving  2000 free listing to everyone who lists in CDN may have something to do with it.


There are so many listing in almost every category, so 2000 free listing per person will improve sales? Only so many buyers folks.

Message 12 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

155,000,000 active buyers on eBay. Plus? I get 25 or so one time guest buyers every month. There are lots of buyers and more are joining. I just had my best 30/60/90 in my 12 years.

Message 13 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Americans don't understand what's happening. I switched some listings to Canadian Currency a few months ago for "quick sales". Big mistake. Not only did they not sell or even have any watchers but I recieved multiple questions from people who did not understand the price or how to pay.
Unless it's an item that only Canadian buyers would be buying list is US
Message 14 of 15
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Re: why have my sales dropped off after listing in canadian dollars

Ebay is pushing Canadian sellers to list in Canadian. If you are looking for US buyers then you are making a big mistake. Why would you listen to Ebay anyways.


Since when has Ebay cared about us sellers???? Ebay only cares that the profits keep flowing in.

Ebay Obviously is noticing a drop in Canadian sales, because of to many Canadians sellers are listing in the high USD, which translates  to their fees equals their profits. Plain and simple.



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