April 20 2022 Weekly Session

Hi everyone, velvet@ebay and I will be taking over the weekly chat with Tyler leaving. We're looking forward to working with you guys! Opening up the chat and we'll begin working on answers tomorrow morning. Thanks! 

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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

Hello Jasmen,


Just a test. Messages to this discussion keep on bouncing back as unable to send.



Message 2 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

Hello Jasmen.....Welcome and congrats on your Canadian inheritance!! We'll try to be gentle with you. No guarantees!! 


Following up with a question from another seller I am helping out. They are wanting to know why eBay Labels is not permitting the seller to include a buyers email address(ebay connected email addy from sales record)  to the customs documents. (They pasted into their shipping label and it bounced back to them this morning as violating the ebay  member to member contact policy.) This is a long standing courier requirement for international parcels. Was added to mail parcels in the last several years. On the EU websites it is noted as a requirement specifically. They even "suggest" a valid cell number in case there are issues with processing. The best preference would be a VALID personal email address vs eBay's as many buyers often never see ebay mail because of personal settings/spam filters. 


Leaving it blank can cause delays especially with anything shipped using a courier. Could you confirm what is happening on the eBay labels side?  If customs is unable to connect with parcel recipient there is good possibility the product being returned at the sellers expense.



Message 3 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session



Last week there was an ebay bucks promo for 5% back and unfortunately I missed this.


Can you confirm how often an ebay bucks offer happens per quarter?


Will there be another offer sometime this quarter between April and June?


Thank you for your time

Message 4 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

Hey @lotzofuniquegoodies and thank you so much for the warm welcome! 


just so I'm understanding, they already have the email address but it won't let them add it to the form? Keep I posted, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 

Message 5 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

Hey there @edubb101 the eBay bucks promos are totally random we don't know when they will go out. The best thing to do is to make sure you're keeping an eye out on your emails so you don't miss it, thanks! 

Message 6 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

jasmen@ebay wrote:

Hey @lotzofuniquegoodies and thank you so much for the warm welcome! 


just so I'm understanding, they already have the email address but it won't let them add it to the form? Keep I posted, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 

Hi Jasmen,


It currently ports to Shippo so that's a good thing. Unfortunately it does not port info over to eBay Labels or any other tools you have to use manually with cut and paste. The seller I spoke to tried to add to recent shipment and the info bounced back to them this morning. Guessing it purged the info when it generated the label but I don't have the info in front of me. I brought this issue up previously when ebay switched from standard addies to ebay variation and passed it on to the tech team but never was any followup or change. It's a legal requirement for customs purposes.



Message 7 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

If it was a legal requirement than I think that it would be required by PayPal. An email address is not required there.  

Message 8 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

I hate to ask @lotzofuniquegoodies but if you can get me a screenshot of the error they are getting I can get this in the right hands ASAP! 

Message 9 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session



This is the message the seller received. It is very generic. It is next to impossible once eBay screens a message because history log is purged by eBay. The message, because it doesn't show a buyers name  makes it difficult to connect info to issue.


Screenshot 2022-04-20 121202.jpg



Message 10 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

If it was a legal requirement than I think that it would be required by PayPal. An email address is not required there.  

My past 25 + years in the shipping and distribution field it was a requirement for shipping anything by courier Internationally, to have a valid to and from phone number. Email was something added in the past few years because it was the new go to. When the VAT situation was first announce I added this to post on the topic including links to Royal Post (UK) site specifying this requirement. 


Shippo has routinely included that info when it ports to the label for International shipments. I haven't used paypal shipping in years so unable to confirm what is still there or has been removed. eBay labels has tinkered with format on numerous occasions since it was first implemented. Mainly because things were ommitted that are requirements.  eBay labels does not include option for mailing tube. Canada post does not. Same goes for additional insurance.


Shippo ports the information because they know it is required. The reason that information is required is in the case there is an issue customs has a method available to contact the customer. Similar to when you place an order with the Brick to have a couch delivered.


As a seller, if you choose to omit that information you are doing so at your own discretion. Personally I really don't like the idea of having a shipped order returned to me at MY expense because customs couldn't contact the customer. The information is there if you do the research.




Message 11 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

@lotzofuniquegoodies thanks so much for that! This message wil only come up if they are tyring to send email addresses through the messages not on shipping info. 

Message 12 of 13
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Re: April 20 2022 Weekly Session

Thanks for joining the chat today - it's closed but will return next week!

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