February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

Hello everyone! Opening up the chat and we'll begin working on answers between now and tomorrow afternoon. Some answers may require me reaching out to the right team for a response so some answers may be delayed!

Message 1 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

Hello Devon,


Re: Last month question on Mixed lots and your response.


"Adding some clarity to the rational from moving away from “wholesale”/”sub categories” to “mixed lots”:


  1. The ‘wholesale’ sub -category wasn’t actually wholesale. There is a specific meaning of wholesale legally to do with selling to someone who is not the consumer, but a distributor of the products. “Wholesalers are not required to charge sales tax to retailers because when a wholesaler sells to a retailer, that retailer is not the product’s end user”. We have never had issues with our usage but essentially we were treating these categories as ‘not wholesale’ in terms of taxes etc. Plus if most listings are packs of 10/20 of the same product, as we commonly found under wholesale, this description is wrong.
  2. These ‘wholesale’ categories commonly included a mix of products, making it very difficult to tailor item specifics. If you have lots of multipacks of different products you can’t really define what’s being sold.
  3. The way we are going about designing categories going forward is to define multiples of a product as the product itself, which is why we will discontinued these “catch all” categories.

In terms of Item specific/description differences as a result of category changes Structured Data has seen many complaints over the years about new Item specifics not mapped to old ones, etc which they try to manage. However, they have not seen feedback about information getting garbled/cut off before. I’ve transferred them this user’s ID for further investigation"


Going forward, for anyone that sells MIXED LOTS of similiar items (Different brands, sizes, colours etc) what category are sellers supposed to be using when there is now nothing available? This is causing sellers to drop items in incorrect categories cluttering up the data. (Almost like finding shoes in hardware.)


I understand from that there is an open ticket regarding search. Generated end of  Jan (approx) but this has been an ongoing issue forever. One suggestion that was made is to use quotes around any text in the search bar. Most buyers looking for specific items will not even know to consider this as an option. 


Please advise. I do know this is causing a definite disadvantage to sellers who sell out of box vintage items without UPC's etc in lots. From speaking to other sellers they have the same question and are most frustrated by these changes.






Example categories for context: Books, CDs, DVD's, Clothing....

Message 2 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

Community Member

Hello Devon,


I just want to quickly thank you for your guidance in handling a matter I raised in last month's thread. The issue has been resolved in my favour.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

Why does eBay allow new and returning sellers to upload listings without also requiring them to register a Managed Payments account?
Since this comes up over and over again, when newbies don't get paid immediately and don't understand that they have to ship without actually having money in their account, could you post  step by step instructions for these newbies ?

And confirm that eBay is not collecting interest on these Held payments.

Message 4 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

Hello Devon,


Re: Last month question on Mixed lots and your response.


"Adding some clarity to the rational from moving away from “wholesale”/”sub categories” to “mixed lots”:


  1. The ‘wholesale’ sub -category wasn’t actually wholesale. There is a specific meaning of wholesale legally to do with selling to someone who is not the consumer, but a distributor of the products. “Wholesalers are not required to charge sales tax to retailers because when a wholesaler sells to a retailer, that retailer is not the product’s end user”. We have never had issues with our usage but essentially we were treating these categories as ‘not wholesale’ in terms of taxes etc. Plus if most listings are packs of 10/20 of the same product, as we commonly found under wholesale, this description is wrong.
  2. These ‘wholesale’ categories commonly included a mix of products, making it very difficult to tailor item specifics. If you have lots of multipacks of different products you can’t really define what’s being sold.
  3. The way we are going about designing categories going forward is to define multiples of a product as the product itself, which is why we will discontinued these “catch all” categories.

In terms of Item specific/description differences as a result of category changes Structured Data has seen many complaints over the years about new Item specifics not mapped to old ones, etc which they try to manage. However, they have not seen feedback about information getting garbled/cut off before. I’ve transferred them this user’s ID for further investigation"


Going forward, for anyone that sells MIXED LOTS of similiar items (Different brands, sizes, colours etc) what category are sellers supposed to be using when there is now nothing available? This is causing sellers to drop items in incorrect categories cluttering up the data. (Almost like finding shoes in hardware.)


I understand from that there is an open ticket regarding search. Generated end of  Jan (approx) but this has been an ongoing issue forever. One suggestion that was made is to use quotes around any text in the search bar. Most buyers looking for specific items will not even know to consider this as an option. 


Please advise. I do know this is causing a definite disadvantage to sellers who sell out of box vintage items without UPC's etc in lots. From speaking to other sellers they have the same question and are most frustrated by these changes.






Example categories for context: Books, CDs, DVD's, Clothing....

Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies! Thank you for sharing this with me. I will be sure to have this sent over and if there are any updates from the team to share I will be sure to let you know. 

Message 5 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

@reallynicestamps wrote:

Why does eBay allow new and returning sellers to upload listings without also requiring them to register a Managed Payments account?
Since this comes up over and over again, when newbies don't get paid immediately and don't understand that they have to ship without actually having money in their account, could you post  step by step instructions for these newbies ?

And confirm that eBay is not collecting interest on these Held payments.

Hi @reallynicestamps! While new and returning sellers are going through the process of listing an item we do require them to go through the Managed Payment process. We do let sellers know that while they are able to sell it can take a few days to verify their financial institution. In some cases where we are not able to verify we would ask sellers for additional information to verify. While we are going through the verification process, any items that sell the money would sit in their eBay account until we have a verified payout method on file.     

Message 6 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

Is this new, because we keep seeing newbies (and more often returning sellers) who don't have MP accounts?

Of course, just as Buyers Don't Read™, neither do Sellers (patent applied for).

Message 7 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

@reallynicestamps wrote:

Is this new, because we keep seeing newbies (and more often returning sellers) who don't have MP accounts?

Of course, just as Buyers Don't Read™, neither do Sellers (patent applied for).

@reallynicestamps  This has been the case since we first introduced Managed Payments and for sellers that had not sold previously on eBay were among the first to go through this process. 

Message 8 of 9
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Re: February 8th 2023 Monthly Chat

Thanks for joining the chat- it's closed but will return next month!

I will continue to work on getting responses to any questions that may not have been answered during the chat. I will be sure to tag the member to assure they are notified of a response! 

Message 9 of 9
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