My seller's ad states that the seller and items are in Canada. Yet my order is really shipping from Singapore. Where's the honesty?

On two separate occasions, I made orders from sellers who claimed to be in Canada, the country where I am located. After waiting for one order for the maximum amount of time a parcel should take to make it between any two places in Canada. I inquired as to the reason for the delay.  The seller stated, un-apologetically, the delay was because the item was shipping from Singapore. I checked the other seller and found out the same was true for them. In both cases their ads claimed the items were in Canada. Does PayPal keep track of the honesty of its sellers claims about their location? I ordered from sellers in Canada because I wanted to receive my items quickly. Now,  into the 3rd week without delivery, I'm getting a little peeved that sellers can mislead buyers by misrepresenting  their location. Are there no rules?

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My seller's ad states that the seller and items are in Canada. Yet my order is really shipping from Singapore. Where's the honesty?

Here is ebay's policy..


If the listing actually shows Canada as location then can be reported as a listing violation.


What is more effective in getting seller's attention is appropriate factual feedback with low DSR's . 1 is lowest.


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My seller's ad states that the seller and items are in Canada. Yet my order is really shipping from Singapore. Where's the honesty?

Another problem for the buyers of items from these drop shippers is the possibility of Customs fees, taxes and possible taxes for an item that was supposed to be a domestic shipment.

if you have to open an item received dispute to get your money back, state that item location n specified as Canada, shipped from Singapore.

also, go to the completed listing and click the report button and report the seller for item location misrepresentation.

Drop shipping is allowed, but the item location has to be the location of the drop shipper, not the seller's location.

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