Can I have a second shipping address

Can I have 2 shipping addresses 1 Canada. 1 U S. For the ebay members that will not ship to Canada.
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Can I have a second shipping address

Your Paypal account can have several addresses. However, PP requires that they all be in the same country.


You can get a US Paypal account. It will require, as I understand it, a US address and a US bank account. (This is NOT an account in US dollars at a Canadian Bank, like the Bank of Montreal. You need an account at something like Citibank.) Then you need a US bank credit or debit card.


There are companies in the USA that will tranship from their location to you for a fee.  Most of these deal with the Asian market, some with the Caribbean and some with South America. The Asian ones have good reputations.


<dons asbestos Stanfields> Or buy through the GSP.  US sellers using the Program ship to a plant in Kentucky and then are free of liability. The GSP will charge you tax and duty upfront as well as a small fee, around $4 tp $5 . <removes asbestos undies, runs for cover.>

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Can I have a second shipping address

I have addresses in two countries active in my PayPal account.  I have used them with other online companies for several years, but getting information to apply the second address from eBay on this is proving difficult.


It is really handy to Pay for gift items and have them go directly to the person you want to send them to.  It saves on shipping as well as not needing to go through Customs and all the delays and fees they can entail.  Gift giving becomes much easier as you can order things such as Christmas wreaths that companies don't ship here and they arrive fresh and beautiful at the other end.


The items I have done this with are in the same country as the recipient, but I have found no information on PayPal that would indicate that it would not work.


I have had no disputes filed against me with PayPal, so I don't now if that might affect the ability to use addresses in  two countries or more than one address in my own country.


I am sure that people who spend summers or Winters at an alternate home use two addresses as well.  It only seems practical since so many online shoppers are now at a point in their lives where they winter in a warmer climate so have two personal addresses


It is not a PayPal problem - it is an ebay issue - now if only they had online customer help that is not restricted to pre constructed oops within loops  rather than just letting you ask a simple question.



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