Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
Hi guys, How many of you get people that wait til the last minute to bid? I call them "cherry picker's"
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
They're generally called Snipers. I get them & I like them. I snipe & I like it.

I price my stuff at the minimum I'm happy with. If it goes higher great. If it goes much higher, awesome! :-D

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
I feel the samE way. I would rather a sale than none at all 😉
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
sunshine-go to jakeeangel's me page and listen to wierd al-its all in there..."snipe" you in the last two seconds...haha!
Message 4 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
I think the reason eBay is so strong is the anticipation of getting an amazing deal. It's all well and good to say I would rather people bid when there is 6 hours, 23 minutes left in the auction but that rarely happens. If people can snipe an amazing deal it's because amazing deals are the foundation of eBay.

I would rather deal with a sniper than a 'grief shopper'. At least the sniper follows through and is happy with the deal they got. The grief shoppers are in place to exploit sellers by threatening negative feedback because they wished they got a better deal.

I wish I had the link from the guy in California who set out to see how many free items he could get in one month on eBay. It was something like 48 items received where the purchase price was refunded back to him... this is the true thorn in my side.
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Cherry Picker's!!!

I would estimate that a good 75% of my higher ticket item auctions are inevitably won by snipers. I personally use a snipe service on my buying i.d. Seems that most serious buyers do the same, or at least, more and more are. IMHO of course.
Message 6 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Me too, I always use a sniping service when I'm buying.
Message 7 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
Hi all. I like snipers (great label too!). And I am admittedly one of them... This is not to be mean or unfair to other buyers, but it's really to keep ME from bidding to high. I place my highest bid at about 20 seconds, count backwards, and hit 'confirm' when I think the time is almost up. If I win, I win. If I'm outbid, well, I guess it wasn't meant to be : )
Message 8 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Personally I don't see anything wrong with using a sniping service. For us a sell is sell. And there welcomed to bid on our auctions 🙂

Message 9 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
As a seller, I like it when people bid early - it can sometimes trigger a bidding war! However, I would never ban people who use a sniping service and can't understand why anyone does - a sale is a sale!

As a bidder, I always use a sniping service and have for years. In most hobby fields, you're often bidding against the same people and, if you bid early, you're helping your competition find items they might otherwise have missed. I know because I've been able to search on other bidders and found items I'd missed myself.
Message 10 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
I agree with "duujogl" I love bidding wars. I think I get just as excited as the buyer.
Message 11 of 12
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Cherry Picker's!!!

Community Member
My thoughts are that snipers are my friends as they make a good sale into better sales for me. I also find that snipers tend to pay rather quickly as I think they have a more serious interest in the item.
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