
Community Member

I bought an item and when i bought it, ( i got it for $4.17) it drained money from my account( the amount taken was $15.00 which added up to 19.17)! Can someone help!!!

It is VERY stressful someone please help!

Ps: The shipping cost was free.

Message 1 of 5
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How did you pay for the item? How could money just be drained from your account? Unless you entered in the amount of payment wrong which should have been $5.86. ($4.87 plus .99 cents shipping), it seems weird. Double check your payment details, as it seems the buyer is a great ebay seller.


Message 2 of 5
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It was not free shipping to Canada, but the 99 cents is pretty close to that.

As a new buyer you may not be aware that the Free Shipping icon can show up on listings when it really only applies to the seller's domestic sales.

If you are buying from American* sellers in particular, always check that there is a shipping fee listed to Canada. If there is not contact the seller to see if he will ship to Canada and get an exact quote on the shipping fee (eg= "Shipping will be $9.87" not "Oh around 5 bucks")

Contact the seller and ask if he knows what the problem is. If that is not helpful, contact Paypal through their Resolution Centre, which is on the top right of the PP page.





* Some Chinese sellers have free shipping to the USA and charge to every other destination.


Message 3 of 5
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Community Member
What does the PayPal invoice say? How much was the shipping charge listed as? Is there anything in the seller's listing that could account for it?
Message 4 of 5
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Hello 'thunder',

When you say you 'got it' for $4.17, - in what currency was that?  You don't specify what the item is, nor post the item number, so whilst I understand your duress, it is difficult for people here to offer the best solution with such limited information.  The more details you can provide in a query, the more tailored will be the responses. 

When you buy something online, - anything anywhere, any time you make a purchase, - you get a receipt in your email.  When you buy on ebay you get both an ebay Confirmation of your order as well as a paypal Receipt for your payment.  Go to your regular email to see any and all of these which correspond roughly to the time in which the charges appear.  That will give you a good start. 


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