Pulling a double shift get ready for post that make no sense ;)

Just got the call partner is not coming in it will be 27 hrs from the time I left home till the time I get home ..


I think when  I am nearing the 20 hr mark I will sta away from posting on here LOL ..


Fun fun

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Pulling a double shift get ready for post that make no sense ;)

coffee coffeecoffee coffeeeeeeeee



coffee with redbull.

and sugar suggaaarrrrr sugaarrr



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Pulling a double shift get ready for post that make no sense ;)

Coffeeeeeeeeeeeee did it then ....4hr off and back again ..... That was way too rough I am a walking zombie with a little bit of coffee boost once in awhile ...


This how my last 2 days have went left  5pm  got back home the next day at 7.15pm ... Slept till 11pm back to work at midnight and I am back till 7am THANK GOD For Spring forward everything hurts and I just feel sick to my stomach but I guess 4 hrs a sleep with 31 hrs of work will do that to you ... Loving the life of mill operator NOT ..


Can't wait for my 4 days off starting Monday .......

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Pulling a double shift get ready for post that make no sense ;)

The next time you're faced with this, instead of Red Bull and sugar (both of which are rather dangerous to your health in the long run), go to the health food store and get some ginko capsules.  Take two of those and you'll find it will clear the cobwebs away in about 15-20 minutes, without all the jangling and zapping of nerves. 


It's safe and effective (as long as you're not a hemophiliac, because it has a blood-thinning effect).  Just don't take it within an hour or two of when you'll be sleeping -- because you probably won't.  You'll be up busily filling out your tax return instead. Smiley Happy





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