Bulk Edit Handling Time

Is there any way to change the handling time for all listings or do I have to do it one by one? I'm using the Sell Your Item form. Have looked and looked and can't find where I set it in the first place.

Would appreciate any help.  Thanks.

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Re: Bulk Edit Handling Time

If you have not yet done so, you should subcribe to Selling Manager (on the site where you normally list - eBay.com or eBay.ca).


Then, it is a simple matter of selecting your listings by bunch (I usually do not edit more than 50 per batch) and bulk edit "the handling time".




It is quick and easy and almost foolproof. 😉


Good Luck.

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Re: Bulk Edit Handling Time

Thanks, Pierre!

Just subscibed to Selling Manager. I'd like to give myself 2 business days instead of 1, to allow Canada Post time to get the mail moving again.

Greatly appreciate your help and the valuable contributions you make to the boards. 🙂

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