Exporting to US using Informal Entry

Surplusdealdude, you mentioned you are also sending your stuff through USPS via Lewiston/Queenston.

Noticed any change on the border lately? I used to be waved in all the time, now I am sent to secondary and/or X-ray every time. When I talked to CBP guys, they said it's new policy, another one said informal entries were abused.

My manifest is accurate down to cent, but about three weeks ago CanadaPost had system down so I could not ship two parcels and left them in car. They had CanadaPost CN22 on them. Inspector in secondary asked about goods not on the manifest, so I declared those two (verbally). She was fine with it, but her boss came and he could not stop yelling at me that everything has to be on manifest. He did not want to hear and understand that there was no gain by not having those items on manifest, since it was well below $2000 limit. Eventually he released me saying if this happens once more I will be denied informal entry (kind of inspires honesty, don't you think 😉

I am actually wondering if I got flagged or every informal entry now goes through the same.

Also if anyone using US broker for exports, can you share the info? What does it costs per entry?
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

Btw. to the story above ... also explained those two were coming back with me to Canada, the answer of the big guy with the gun was "Well, I don't know that !"

These guys are probably annoyed by me. My manifest has approx 60 lines on $600~$700 and some lines are less than $10.

Perhaps the e-manifest would make them more friendly and decrease amount of my weekly X-rays (just kidding, they always send people aside). Can be e-manifest done for informal entry?
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

Yes, they're doing more secondary searches - I've been to secondary inspection twice in the last few weeks now - even got sent to the Canadian secondary search once.

It's just a phase they're going through, like the X-ray phase they did in the summer.

She was fine with it, but her boss came and he could not stop yelling at me

Probably a new boss trying to exert his authority. Every situation has its PITAs.

Also if anyone using US broker for exports, can you share the info? What does it costs per entry?

I wouldn't go that route unless you absolutely have to - it's a lot of hassle. Entry forms have to be filed a set time before you cross the border and so on.

You could ask Federal Express Trade Networks for the rates - I think they're likely to be the cheapest and I know they're at Lewiston.

My manifest is accurate down to cent, but about three weeks ago CanadaPost had system down so I could not ship two parcels and left them in car. They had CanadaPost CN22 on them

Are you trying to cross the US Border with saleable merchandise that you have not declared in the car?

That's not a good idea at all. Could explain why the supervisor was so mad at you.

I make it a point never to have that stuff on me - if I have Canadian-bound merchandise, I deliver it on the way or it just doesn't go.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

Are you trying to cross the US Border with saleable merchandise that you have not declared in the car? That's not a good idea at all.

So I learned. Although I have been very straightforward about it, they did not try to understand and now I am flagged. I go to X-ray every time (no kidding) and to secondary every other time. They almost never bother opening the packages, they did it twice so far.

The guys at the X-ray station already know me - What do you got, usual stuff? - Yes. - 10 minutes and I can go. I think I am selected by computer now. This has become an annoying portion of my routine. Especially secondary sucks, because it can take even over hour to get out of there.

What's more, I got pulled to secondary when I was crossing as personal entry on Piece Bridge with my family. Everybody is very polite, they apologize, ask me what did I do (I assume, they do not see the reason why computer is telling them to search me) - I say: nothing, officer. So he says - hmm, you don't want to tell me 🙂

Anyway ... plenty of socializing now.
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

Well, you have a chance to make lots of new friends, anyway.:-D

It could have been a lot worse - technically, you were smuggling.

Fines - seizure of vehicle - jail.

Or they could have banned you for a year.

So I'd consider that you got off lucky and put up with it cheerfully.

I have NO idea how long that's going to last, BTW, and I doubt if a border broker would make a difference.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

technically, you were smuggling

I beg to differ. After question "do you have anything that is not on the manifest?" - I declared them verbally. The problem they had was the goods were not on manifest.

There was nothing preventing the officer to ask me to add them to the manifest. In the past I have come to this same border with no manifest at all and requested form and filled it up. It was no problem then.
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

I declared them verbally.

And how are you going to prove that, if push comes to shove?

The border guards have virtually unlimited discretion, and the government backs them up 100%.

When you are at the border, you are NOT in a democracy - you are at their mercy.

Do not pick a fight there - you cannot win. The guard can ban you from the US for a year for any reason they want and you can't do thing one about it.

And, of course, they are armed. Never annoy uptight people wearing guns - it's not healthy.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

Surplus, when did I pick the fight with CBP ? You accused me of smugling and I explained to you that it was no smugling.

Are you high?
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Re: Exporting to US using Informal Entry

I understand this is a software, not the particular people. Something is out of ordinary and you are flagged. Bum.

They do what they were trained and are not acting like gestapo. What's all the BS about unlimited discretion, non-democracy, picking a fight with armed forces have anything to do with anything?

No offence dude, but sometimes you should wait before hitting that submit button.
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