Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

Hi everyone.  I had a buyer in Australia "buy" a DVD I had listed as Canada/USA only with free shipping to both countries.  Since I did not obviously have shipping to Australia on the item I got a request for an invoice with the shipping cost from them.  I sent them the invoice with shipping to Australia and mentioned that the DVD was region 1 and may not play there.  Haven't heard back from them yet.   I have my eBay settings set to block buyers who "Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to".  So how was this person registered in Australia with an address there able to "buy" my item?  I think my settings are all correct. 

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Re: Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

Community Member

just speculating but maybe they have a north america address, a friend or relative perhaps. they used that address to purchase the item. after buying, they then changed the address in ebay to their real australian address. i had someone do this to me before to circumvent higher overseas shipping costs

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Re: Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

Hi -  Thanks for your input! Smiley Happy  Yes, I thought of this as a possibility, as it does happen occasionally.   Will wait and see when they respond to my invoice email what the address is.

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Re: Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

the buyer blocks randomly disappear when relisting items that had them set

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Re: Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

Hi - Is that an new eBay "bug"?  Never had that happen before.

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Re: Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

yes, been mentioned on .com boards over past couple months and ive seen it on my own

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Re: Have a primary shipping address in countries that I don't ship to

This happened to me recently too.

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