October 19 Election Predictions

Majority Liberal 172 seats


Do not be shy.  Come along.  Play the prediction game! (preferably before the results are known!)

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October 19 Election Predictions

Expecting a Liberal minority.

Hoping for an NDP minority.


I'd really like to see which ever party replaces the Cons, to appoint Elizabeth May as Minister of Trade and Commerce because that actually makes more sense within the Green programme than Environment.


And Justin Trudeau as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Development because he would immediately put Canada back in the world's eye. He doesn't have to be brilliant, he just has to look pretty and be charming. He has excellent FATD officers to advise him.


I'd also like any new Cabinet ministers to hire only persons over 28 as Special Assistants, not the usual gang of party bigwig's kiddies and young activists on a gap year from university. A little life experience would be helpful.

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October 19 Election Predictions

I expect a Liberal minority.  Maybe 150 seats.  Conservatives the opposition and the NDP dropping to third.


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October 19 Election Predictions

Results in so far (probably from the east coast)........ Liberals 6 elected....NDP 1......Cons 0

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October 19 Election Predictions

Liberals 15  NDP 2 CONS 1

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October 19 Election Predictions

Good night for blue, Blue Jays 7, Royals 3. Inning 3.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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October 19 Election Predictions


Image result for tear emoji







Message 7 of 61
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October 19 Election Predictions

Whatever colour Harper wore I'd dislike. He also wore red at one time. He's worn many colours as long as they served his purposes. 

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October 19 Election Predictions

Liberals 179 

Looks like Justin is going home to 24 Sussex where he was born.


Harper.............adios..........people finally seen through you. 

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October 19 Election Predictions

Why did it take 10 years?

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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October 19 Election Predictions

At least Manitoba will go Blue in the spring election.  Thank goodness!   During their administration, the NDP has take a stable economy and made us the second poorest province in the country with the second highest overall taxes.

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October 19 Election Predictions

Why? Several reasons..

a) Originally Harper won because of a knee jerk reaction by the public.

b) After that there really wasn't any qualified opponent that people felt good about and Harper's attack ads didn't help. 

c) Now there really was an opponent and Harper's attack strategy has been over used and seems childish to the electorate.


We wanted our country back and we have got it. Now we just have to trust that Trudeau will be a man of integrity.  

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October 19 Election Predictions

Ed Holder gone! What a great day!  I may pour a drink!

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October 19 Election Predictions

I never expected those results. I thought it would be a Liberal minority.

Happy Dance Time. Smiley Very Happy


Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual
as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some
real satisfaction, that day is a loss.
Message 14 of 61
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October 19 Election Predictions

Highest voter turnout in over 20 years.

69.6% of eligible voters cast a ballot and that doesn't include people who registered yesterday.


Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual
as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some
real satisfaction, that day is a loss.
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October 19 Election Predictions

I hope to be proven wrong, but I don't think Trudeau has it in him. I don't trust him. He's a chip off the old block and I couldn't stand his dad.


Looking at some of the Liberals elected yesterday, I saw some of the same old names and faces that were there before the Harper era. Sigh! A leopard doesn't change its spots and I won't be surprised if it ends up being same old, same old.


I'm glad the Conservatives are gone. Good riddance! But I'm not particularly happy about the new guys. I really was praying for a minority government which wouldn't last more than a couple of years.

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October 19 Election Predictions

And just to add to the joy, Harper is resigning as Con leader. Great day !!  The Canadian version of the George Bush years are over. 

Message 17 of 61
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October 19 Election Predictions

Looking at some of the Liberals elected yesterday, I saw some of the same old names and faces that were there before the Harper era.


Well, yes.

You wouldn't recognize the names of the newbies, because they are new.

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Message 18 of 61
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October 19 Election Predictions

I thought it was gonna be either a liberal or conservative minority government. I did not expect a liberal majority with over 180 seats! I'm a bit worried about what changes might happen but at the same time excited about the positive changes that can happen. 


Thank goodness that Harper is gone and resigning as conservative leader. I was getting very sick and tired of those attack ads. What a huge waste of tax payer's money and an insult to the Canadian spirit. 


Hopefully Mr. Trudeau won't disappoint us. I'm sure a lot of younger Canadians like me voted for the first time because of this election. I even heard somebody at the poll yesterday said it's the first time in 40 years that he voted. 

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October 19 Election Predictions

The turnout was exciting!

We voted in the advance poll, in part because we usually do, and in part because having recently moved we were unsure about whether our ID was acceptable.

I have worked in elections since I was 15 (scrutineer) and I have never skipped voting. So I figure I can complain about any level of government at any time.

Not sure how many elections that would be in my 54 years as a campaigner and voter.

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