Seller Cancellation

How do I handle a cancellation by a seller that doesnt give a reason? Should I accept the cancellation or decline it?
Message 1 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Then those two buyers that paid and then asked me to cancel and refund  were "bullying" me... both in the same night..... They asked  I responded, and all three of us won....


The following came from a buyer... this is bullying




Why does he do this?     Caps means "yelling"    He collects this topic of book  and then resells them


Bought two books, similar topic  and sent this email both times... Buyer is now blocked....



OP .... you came here with a question... you got an answer


If you want name calling, bashing and bullying  you should have visited Seller Central on before sellers could no longer leave negative feedback.


It was shoot first and ask questions later.... Dodge City, OK Corral  and High Noon all in one...


Discussions on  are here  to provide information.....  and people learn  without  walking away unhappy.


Your discussion will help many understand what should be done  to make a buyer's and a seller's world on eBay  a happy, situation....Nobody should walk away unhappy.


Come back  with more situations...  and do remember  we are here to learn... and to present situations  from which others will learn... 


You will get answers to both sides of the question...  and then you decide what to do


and sometimes  come back and tell us what happened what actually happened


and when those that read and learn  .....we have done our job...  Discussions on eBay are here for people to learn



Message 21 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation



I've bought thousands of items here in well over a decade, and as far as I can see far more than any other regular poster.  I know how to buy with the least amount of hassle.







:OGuess we will just have to take your word on that seeing you are using a posting ID:^O

Message 22 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation



:OGuess we will just have to take your word on that seeing you are using a posting ID:^O



Right On!  Guess you do......... or don't for all I care.

Your choice, but I think that anyone who sees my posts has no reason to ? that.

Message 23 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

"anyone who sees my posts has no reason to ? that."




Not sure what those words mean.


I have seen plenty of posts where the advice given is plain wrong and shows little, if any, eBay real experience.  Yes, I for one would question the validity of statements claiming extensive eBay experience. 


There is no valid reason whatsoever to hide behind a posting ID unless one plays politics and religion on CTS or some .com boards where they play real dirty..

Message 24 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation


Well, that's just it:  In my experience the only reason a seller has ever had for cancelling is that  an auction has ended for less than hoped for.

It is very common and transparent.


I know there are other reasons, but in those cases the seller would contact the buyer before sending a form.

I don't know if this item closed at a low price or not.



I don't want to criticize P*****' "s suggestion, but I'll reciprocate a little at least.

I'm not saying P*****'s idea is STUPID!!!!!!


HOWEVER, Emailing the seller will probably result in a lie such as the item broke, and leaving NFB IMO (and I know others will disagree, and that's OK too)............ is not a good idea.

It hurts buyers as much as sellers and often even more...... IMO that is.


I know that paying for the item if invoiced with a shipping cost isn't everyone's cup of tea......... not a problem:  But, Trust Me:  If you want the item badly it does get results and comes with an apology more often than not...........


The buyer gets the item, and the seller doesn't get FB trashed.

Best for all concerned.............. IMO that is.


The kindest possible solution for buyer and seller alike.......... IMO.

Message 25 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation


Why don't you tell us how you really  feel ! 😉

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 26 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation


Haha, looks like a spirited discussion happened while I was at work. Let me flmore out my post more; I was in a rush this morning and more than a little peeved that I missed out on this item. 


Now that I've calmed down a bit, I can say what happened. I found an item at a more than reasonable price, one of the very few on eBay Canada. It had a buy-it-now, so I clicked that. I only make purchases on ebay if I have the money to pay for it, so I paid immediately with PayPal. This happened Friday iirc. 


Woke up this morning, the transaction request was in my email. I did receive a refund it seems, since the transaction was in Canadian funds, I don't think I lost out on conversion fees. Just got a cancellation with no reason. 


Since the price of the item was pretty low, I'm not as mad anymore and might just drop the issue.. I can buy a brand new one on amazon for a good price anyway. I was just wondering wrong what to do since this is the first time this happened to me. 

Message 27 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation


Sorry for the spelling, don't know how I missed that. 


I'm wondering if it was cancelled so they can resell at a higher price. I was getting a bargin before. 

Message 28 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation


Whatever you choose to do it does not reflect on you as a buyer in any way.


If you agree to cancel the transaction the seller will recover ebay fess, but if you decline the seller will have a percentage of the selling price to ebay for the sale.


It's up to you, but since you were peeved you might choose to stick the seller with the fees and decline. 


Then you can decide if you want to leave PFB, NFB, or no FB at all.

Approaches to that vary as well.

Message 29 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Community Member

Whatever you do, if you don't end up with the item, be sure to leave negative feedback.  It is important to other buyers to know when a seller is using the ability to cancel to essentially be his reserve.  The seller has made a contract with you, and by cancelling, he is breaking that contract.

Message 30 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Whatever you choose to do it does not reflect on you as a buyer in any way.


And do think of the following ---


(1) Problem buyers are being reported to eBay...


(2) For many years sellers have compiled off-eBay lists of problem buyers


(3) Sellers in a category track each others feedback received....  and identify problem buyers...


(4) Auction sellers track the feedback left by bidders.... problem bidders are identified, their bids are deleted and they are blocked.


(5) Particular attention is paid to buyers with low feedback.


(6) Trying to circumvent a block with a new ID, and be very negative  with a certain seller...  is  punishable by eBay.....


The fact that sellers cannot leave feedback is a reality.


However,  a record of leaving negative feedback  can backfire.....








Message 31 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

cumos:  You said that my opinion is stupid.......... .....



I'm not saying your post is stupid, but I am saying that calling mine stupid now puts you in the  position of being asked to defend yours.



You are insinuating the buyer is the problem, but in reality the seller is the one who is behaving badly.


 You are also suggesting that sellers have lists of buyers which they have amassed over the years and are now somehow reporting them retroactively and aposaean is at risk of being reported.


Do you have a list of buyers who offended you over the years and which you are reporting now?

And what does that have to do with aposaean?

Reported for what?????


Also, are you saying that aposaean will somehow receive special attention because FB if low?

Again:  Really?


You also posted that IF aposaean leaves NFB then things will not go well in the future.

There will be numerous blocks as a result, and then if a new id is created to get around the blocks there will be punishment by ebay.

True.  But that's a HUGE leap and has absolutley nothing to do with the issue at hand. 


What your post is saying is that aposaean had better be careful and not leave NFB or complain too much about the shoddy treatment received by the seller in question .............. or else.




Again:  I'm not saying your ideas are stupid but I sure don't understand them.  :).

Message 32 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Simply stating a reality among sellers on eBay.... Visualize each point... and see how it works


Sellers cannot leave negative feedback... but they have learned how to adjust... and now eBay is making adjustments that sellers can use to identify problem buyers...


Each point has been discussed on over the years


Buyers should use their ability to leave a negative feedback wisely... something all buyers  must consider.


Do some searches on the internet to confirm each point....

Message 33 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Everything I have said is for information only....


Each to their own decision  as to how to proceed...

Message 34 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation



But you when you inform aposaean and others about these things in this context, then it follows that you are suggesting that buyers had better tow the line or else!






Message 35 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation


Whatever you choose to do it does not reflect on you as a buyer in any way.


And do think of the following ---


(1) Problem buyers are being reported to eBay...


(2) For many years sellers have compiled off-eBay lists of problem buyers


(3) Sellers in a category track each others feedback received....  and identify problem buyers...


(4) Auction sellers track the feedback left by bidders.... problem bidders are identified, their bids are deleted and they are blocked.


(5) Particular attention is paid to buyers with low feedback.


(6) Trying to circumvent a block with a new ID, and be very negative  with a certain seller...  is  punishable by eBay.....


The fact that sellers cannot leave feedback is a reality.


However,  a record of leaving negative feedback  can backfire.....








Message 36 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Just the problem buyers i*m.

Message 37 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Many come here to read  and learn ... and never post....


This was my summary of many years of reading....  I read to learn in many situations and never say anything....


The discussions on  can be very informative....


Seller Central on is always an interesting read.... but be careful about posting



Message 38 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

The issue at hand:


apocaean won an item and the seller sent a request to cancel without a word to the buyer.

The buyer asked how to proceed.


Your warned that the buyer could be reported as a problem buyer, and if the buyer NFB then that could result in problems for the buyer, and if the buyer then had any idea that punishment could be avoided by creating additional ids............. then to think again. ............ and on and on and on............. 


What the ??????


Your comments might be true, but when you advise apocaen in this manner it is inappropriate to say the least.

You told me that my opinion is stupid........... and this in turn is what you consider wise advice?


Think Again!




Message 39 of 44
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Re: Seller Cancellation

Each to their own decision  as to how to proceed...

Message 40 of 44
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