The new help sessions

Why are they so short sense they have started I finaly got to one today but only because my boss is not at work today ...


Why not Afternoon or evening when people are around.. Sure there are some retired or semi retired sellers but most of us still have a day job ...


My experience today was that poco and pierre and yada yada answer questions better ..


My questions was not even answered or attempted to be answered ..


I was tolf focus on giving your buyer the best experience and don't worry about the best match.. Hello I have 7000 salesa and I am still here I obviously give my buyers a good experience not  Iam talking best match which is something that does and will affect my sales the affect may be minor to nil but I just wanted an answer not to be told to not worry about it what kinda of answer is that ... I am ebay's customer and if I answered to my customer don't worry about the slipcover worry about the disc inside the case I bet they wouldn't bne happy ...


This is very minor which is why I think I am not impressed by the answer but whatever another 4 hrs a work then I get to go carry a skid of boxes 1 by 1 into my house LOL ;( LOL :''''''''( haha aaaaaaaaaaaaaa boooooo

Message 1 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions


Gee wiz - ya wouldn't want these eBay staffers to have to work evenings when the large majority of their customers would be available to ask questions would you?


Suppose they got stumped - I guess they could always come back at you with the much over used: "Great Question" reply.


Or the always factual: "I'll have to get back to you on that one".


Or the sideways responce: "that does not fit with eBays policy so I am not sure how it would be recieved - but great question anyway".


And so it goes - what good is one hour a week that ends abruptly anyway.


Go figure.



Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 2 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Ya there not helping anyone with such a restricted time frame .. I am a glass half full guy so a Little bit is better then none at all but it is also annoying I mean by time I answered their response and got my next response it was shut down

Message 3 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

I'm agree! I'm received no answer and nothing changed... 

Message 4 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

I totally agree that these sessions are not set up at the best of time. I'm at work too when they are "live". Last week, I was able to post a question, because I didn't have much work. But this week and the previous ones, forget it! Too busy. 😞

Message 5 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Agree. I missed it again. lol Tried last week and missed it. Arrrrrg

Janet and Paul
Message 6 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Although normally it would be a good time for me, I have not been able to get in on the last 2 sessions because of other commitments.  It is definitely too short and they could pick a better time of day to make it available to more sellers.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

"these sessions are not set up at the best of time"


"normally it would be a good time for me"


Obviously, it will never be possible to satisfy everyone considering Canada covers four and half time zones.


Maybe eBay should consider opening the dedicated thread twenty-four hours before the scheduled "meeting" time of 1:00pm Wednesday and leave the thread open for twenty-four hours after the end of the "meeting".


This would allow members who cannot attent at the scheduled time to ask their questions and post follow-up or comments.


I frankly do not expect eBay's managers to work at night to answer question on a discussion board.

Message 8 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Community Member

Well. I don't really think they opened the sessions to answer our questions seriously. Just see the change we got today, most canadian sellers disappeared on the first page even on Buy It Now page. After so many Canadian sellers reported the search engine problem last week, they finally got a "better" solution. Now I am confused where I can report my problem....

Message 9 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Pierre that would work ... I don't want them to have them at night maybe evening would be nice you knmow 6-7 or 7-8 .. I mean they are most liekly just logging on at home and doing this so 6-8 2 hrs session would be better but I actually like your idea more ...


They need to do something because for any place with as many rules as there are  they need to..


If it wasn't people likle pierre I personally think ebay would have lost 1000's of buyers and sellersw over the years for all the confusion ...


Ebay has it set up so We do work they should be doing ...Which Idon't mind helping anyone but we are doping there jobs ...


Times zones is an issue so do maybe do it at like 8 or 9 eastern ... Millions work at night I for one work 8 12hr night shifts a month they can buck up...  


Honestly you I tried to learn alkl ebay's rules before I started I would have given up before I finished reading LOL ....I miss the chat even though it was usless many times...


Anyways horrible set up for it ... I meaqn whaqt they have haqd 6 question each session obviously they are not doing it right as there are dozen of questions posted every dayd opn the boards

Message 10 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Ask someone  if they would post a question for you Brande.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

No I Have nothing that is a big rush I am basically complaining for the sake of making a valid yet usless point LOL ...


I did want to know one thing but they told me not to worry about it instead on answering my questions which is what brought me to decide to make this thread...



Message 12 of 13
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Re: The new help sessions

Community Member

I agree..having it middle of the day in the middle of the week will only have the same 3 or 4 people participating.I always thought Ebay was open 24/7.I think there would be a lot more people asking questions later in the day but then again..maybe they don't want to hear more questions and this is their way of saying "we are here for you as long as we don't have to hear from too many of you."..:)

Message 13 of 13
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