eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

We already had this one once when I had the Ireland buyer shipping to Ontario. It was less than $1 issue, so I went along.

Now buyer requests total with Michigan address, invoice is created with $8 for Priority Mail shipping (Flat Rate Box by USPS)

When going through payments, the twerp checked-out with Ontario address. It costs us slightly more to ship Expedited Parcel in Ontario than Priority Mail to Michigan but we cannot pick-up $13 tab for Ontario tax on $99 order.

Why does eBay even allow this trick? Any prick can request invoice with Canadian/US address and then during payment switch to his Nigerian one and we are still under obligation to complete?

Also eBay does not maintain record of invoices issued after buyer had done their change, seems only way to preserve it is to have copy mailed to yourself.
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Community Member
Hi Dipmicro,

If I were you, I would e-mail the buyer and let them know that the shipping that paid for was to the States and not within Canada.

You can do one of several things:

Advise them that you will be refunding their payment and then sending them a new invoice with correct shipping AND TAX for shipping to the Canadian address.


Advise them that you will be sending an invoice to them through PayPal to cover the additional costs for shipping to Canada AND TAXES due and add on another 30 cents to cover a second payment.


Ship to the US address.


Mutually agree to cancel the transaction all together.

Personally...I would go with #2. I've had this happen a few times over the past ten years and it's been easily worked out especially when I've explained that shipping is higher within Canada and the tax issue. Some buyers honestly do not know that shipping is higher within Canada.

I'm sure with using expert diplomatic skills you'll be able to resolve this peacefully with your customer!

Have a great day!
Message 2 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Thank you for responding. That's exactly what I did in the morning, I gave him 2 options - ship to his Michigan address by USPS Priority Mail or refund and reinvoice.

He already responded back that he moved and asked for reinvoicing.

vent begins

I did not mean to bash this buyer, but platform that allows buyers to modify the invoice. Buyers should not be allowed to make any modifications to the invoice, the should provide seller with enough information to issue correct invoice or request modification before payment.

eBay bugs are gold-mine for those with law license. Obviously, there is no pressure on Feebay to fix anything, they just keep coming with more and more nonsense on how to squeeze more fees from fewer and fewer sellers.

vent ends
Message 3 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Ok, so I refunded.

Now the bloody thing does not let me change invoice, it uncombined all items and there is no "Combine" function.

WTF is going on !
Message 4 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

I blurred the buyer:

Message 5 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

They did something with how feedback affects transaction, I remember this was possible to be done before.
Message 6 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Community Member
Just invoice the buyer directly through PayPal.

It will be fine!
Message 7 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Ok, so I refunded.

Now the bloody thing does not let me change invoice, it uncombined all items and there is no "Combine" function.

WTF is going on !

Find your item sold notification in your EMAIL inbox and click SEND INVOICE. Should work like a charm!
Message 8 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Did PayPal invoice for total, before we did not request buyer invoice copies, we should probably start checking that box.
Message 9 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

The way to do this is click on the item, then on the list of sales (buyers). Chose the sale to this buyer and, on the right in the pull-down menu, you will see the link "send information".

That is the only place I can find a place to re-invoice after I have uncombined. The system will also ask if you want to include the other items (if this applies).

Message 10 of 11
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Re: eBay bug - Request Total w/ US address then change to Canadian

Bernie, your method worked. Since I already invoiced buyer before I wanted to silently combine for our own records.

However, I caught another 2-3 eBay bugs doing this:

Send Information (invoicing) tool ignores "Apply tax to S/H" setting. When unchecked, it will still apply tax. I did a mistake during my calculation when originally invoicing so I needed to uncheck this box.

The tool also ignored if you uncheck "Send Invoice to the Buyer". It blatantly sends the invoice anyway and even boasts about it. I had to contact the buyer and tell him to disregard the invoice.

This is not a bug but I am finding the date format in Sales records confusing without D M Y legend. How am I supposed to know on June 6 which 6 is the day and which one is the month.
Message 11 of 11
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