Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Can't log in, no avatar, cover photo missing, Promotions on the Selling Manager page gone, no Followers, no views. Page Not Responding. Over and over in various combinations on and and ebay,



Sometime, I feel like ebay needs a nap.


I certainly feel like I do now. 


Message 1 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

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None of these are critical features -- well, Page Not Responding during log in is somehwat critical -- but it reflects poorly on us when stuff just fails at random. Were we told to expect upgrades to these areas?


(I should mention the problem with the Promotional Offers box is that it doesn't reflect my subscriptions or actual active offers.)

Message 2 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Even better.....



eBay Suffers Extended Outage By: Ina Steiner  

eBay is suffering a major outage Saturday morning that is preventing buyers and sellers from bidding, making purchases, or completing other tasks on the site...... eBay posted a notice last evening (6:05 pm ET on Friday) to report....



Message 4 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 7.29.25 AM.pngAlso producing no results on an item search..... blank page.... leading to this....

Message 5 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Trying to do anything right now appears to be hopeless. Aside from having this lovely conversation with myself, I have met roadblocks at every turn. See ya later! 

Message 6 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Community Member

I can't seem to do much this morning  😞

Your not alone

Message 7 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

@mjwl2006 wrote:

Trying to do anything right now appears to be hopeless. Aside from having this lovely conversation with myself, I have met roadblocks at every turn. See ya later! 

LOL...I'll help you in not being alone in this.


Site is running like molasses for me.


Sales have tanked in the past 10hrs , but not surprised if others are experiencing problems.

Message 8 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

I'm sure we're all here, we're just not "talking" lol.  Yesterday I made an executive decision, and cancelled all my listings.  After days and days, with nobody looking, what's the point.  Just listed one test item, to see what happens.  If nothing, then I will have to throw in the towel, and call it quits.  Ebay has been part of my life for 13 years, it's been fun (most of the time), but maybe it's time to bow our gracefully.  Cheers.

Message 9 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

You are not alone.........

Message 10 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Misery loves company, I guess! Thank you for joining me here. I was starting to feel like that guy who shows up in sweatpants to a wedding, ha. 


Part of my struggle with this whole thing is that, while I am not one to run wild with conspiracies, I worry there is something more afoot here than what they are telling us. Outages at the data centre and updates to feedback and the Seller Hub, I understand could be disruptive but this is too much for too long to seem innocent which brings me to my second area of concern and that is the TIME OF YEAR this is all taking place. It's mid-November. There should be more shoppers coming around than we can shake a stick at and I know that is simply not the case this year. How can it be? There are too many site issues for a buyer to easily and confidently search for, save, and purchase what they want. 


If the site has gone spotty at the end of February, I would be less worried than right now. We are approaching the very busiest time of year for retailers everywhere, period. Ebay sellers are no different. If we were brick-and-mortar stores, would the landlord try to upgrade, rip out and replace the shop florin, shutting down sections of the shops intermittently in November? No, that's silly. They would do it during a slump. This is not slump time. It's go-go-go time, or at least it would be if my monthly sales weren't sitting at 25 per cent of where they were in October and November of last year.


I don't hold ebay fully responsible for that slump because I sell toys and it's a volatile market. But not being able to search for toys? Or log in? Or pay? That is a problem. Do I care if buyers can't see my avatar? Not overly much. Not being able to search for my items, however, is not good. 

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

im in western canada and ebay .c seems to be ok so far

Message 12 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

The issues started last night for me around 9 pm Pacific Time (12 midnight Eastern). 2 hours of page intermittent page not responding getting worse by the time I gave up at 11 pm Pacific Time (2 am Eastern).


I have not done anything today, just read this topic and will have to see what the day brings. If I were a buyer shipping online, I would have given up on eBay by now with all the site instability.


Why does eBay always mess with their site in the Fall when shopping online is at it highest? There should only be one update, the Spring update, giving time to be implemented and working by end of summer. The site should be frozen from any updates other that fixes after that.


The Fall update is pointless so far. What in the current Fall update is so essential to need to be developed and implemented now. Nothing I can see. All it does is add to the current instability.

Message 13 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

That's what I mean: it doesn't make sense to me -- business sense -- that ebay would be doing THAT much disruptive tinkering at this time of year. I'm concerned about what might actually be happening here that we don't know about.


On the bright side of things, the Discussion Board seems to be operating just fine. 





Message 14 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Last night when I was on the site for two hours, I tried to log into forums to see what was going on and could not, timed out. Same with forums. So I gave up last night and watched a movie on Netflix that was so bad I lost another 2 hours of my life. LOL.


If it had been the daytime, I would have gone for a walk with my dog and at least we would have some value out of the four hours wasted.

Message 15 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

@pinetreecottage wrote:

....Yesterday I made an executive decision, and cancelled all my listings.  After days and days, with nobody looking, what's the point.  Just listed one test item, to see what happens.  If nothing, then I will have to throw in the towel, and call it quits.  Ebay has been part of my life for 13 years, it's been fun (most of the time), but maybe it's time to bow our gracefully.  Cheers.

Don't do that! If anything, this is the best time for those items of yours to sell. People have the will and need to set a nice table at this time of the year. But then again no one has ever accused me of gracefulness.

Message 16 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Well, I have had a couple of page not responding. I left my computer on overnight so I will shut down and restart just in case a fresh computer will help. Most likely it will not but helps clear any old eBay code from my computer if it causes problems.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

I cancelled my listings, because after many days, I had 0 viewers, on regularly popular items, and of course no sales.  It is both irritating and frustrating, to invest time and effort, with no results.  But like you say, there may be more to this, than we know.  Time will tell.

Message 18 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

Well! I have forgone trying to list anything new today because I told want to experience the aggravation of it but when I went to relist something sold, I found I had been opted in WITHOUT PERMISSION to a condition of RETURNS (mine are unmanaged) that states I won't change a restocking fee on this even though I state I do. I'm not comfortable listing this the way it stands. \\


What is this in boldface below? I've never seen it anywhere before, and it's not displaying on my automated relisted items, even when I go to revise one. Can someone explain? How do I get rid of this? I have no 'return' policy stated or established. I don't GET Returns and when there is a first time, I'll handle it myself THANK YOU VERY MUCH since everything I've read and experienced with ebay's system leaves much to be desired. I'm highly irritated. As can probably be surmised by the gratuitous use of ALL CAPS. 


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Message 19 of 26
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Re: Anyone Else Feeling 'Buggy' This Morning?

For posterity, pocomo shared this link on another thread where here on where technical issues had been questioned


In case anyone is looking for bedtime reading tonight....


Message 20 of 26
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