System Error when trying to create multiple listings from drafts section

Last night, and now this morning, I have been trying to create multiple listings in the Drafts section. Qty of 7


I am doing everything the same way I always have but I keep getting a Pop Up Error Message THERE WAS A SYSTEM PROBLEM CLICK OK AND TRY AGAIN LATER.


I thought last night maybe they were working on the system or something so after a very tedious session, I quit. I just tried again this Moring and get the same pop up.


Has anyone else had this problem. Any suggestions as to how I might solve it. I am going to try one listing at a time, and see if that works, but I'd really like to be able to do more.


My process was to make sure I was in my Canadian Selling Manager Subscription (I can never tell, so I click on Subscriptions, Canadian Selling Manager just to make sure)

Then I click the Create Listing button and select Multiple Listings from the dropdown

That takes me to the screen where I choose the quantity and start filling in the common factors

The first time I got right to the end but when I hit the Continue button to create the 7 individual listings, the error popped up and I could see the little spinning circle indication something was being saved, but the screed froze. I went and had a tea, came back 15 minutes later and screen was still the same so I quit.

I tried a different browser.... same issue

Went to bed - tried again today....same issue



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Re: System Error when trying to create multiple listings from drafts section

Community Member
I realize .ca isn't on Sellers Hub but could be a trickle effect. The last few months major "issues" are on Fridays, just in time for weekend, just another day in the ebay land
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Re: System Error when trying to create multiple listings from drafts section

Thanks izzame - interesting article. I was very close to purchasing a new computer this year because of all the hassles and trouble on eBay. Then I started to pay attention and analyze when I was having the problems, and it was always on eBay. Everything else worked fine - still does. I even phoned my ISP and asked them what was going on with the service. It has been a terrible year for trying to get anything done. I used Turbo Lister until last year when they came out and said that it would be discontinued. OMG do I ever miss it. 


Anyway, I did the listings one at a time and that worked fine except for the hassle.


Chalk it up to another 5 or six hours wasted. It's really getting frustrating. I like eBay, I wish they would get things working properly like it used to before they started fooling around with everything.





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