Canadian Dollar Trading Below US$0.94

That is the lowest point in two years:


Many experts expect a lower  Canadian dollar in 2014, going as low as US$0.90 or even below.


Many articles of interest on the subject may be found here:

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Re: Canadian Dollar Trading Below US$0.94

I hope it gets to 90 cents, I hope I have the brains to convert some funds when it gets there and not wait and watch as it goes back to par (as it probably will).


Many currency analysts have been predicting this drop for quite some time (4+ months) but they also predict that it will be relatively short lived, perhaps until the Spring of 2014.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Re: Canadian Dollar Trading Below US$0.94

Beat me to it Pierre. I was reading, day before, that every indicator showed the Loonie about 3-4¢ above where it should be.

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