HS Code for Shoelaces?



I have to ship shoelaces and using Paypal delivery label printing system,  (from Canada, to USA) they are made in China.

I've tried to find the SH Code, but it leads to nothing 😞

Please help... need to ship quickly.


thank you in advance

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Re: HS Code for Shoelaces?

If you go to this Canada Post page and enter shoelace, it asks what they are made of and eventually gives a code.



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Re: HS Code for Shoelaces?

thanks so much! have a great day 🙂

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Re: HS Code for Shoelaces?

Not applicable

Do we have to go to that website every time we need to find HS Codes??


I have printed a list from Canada Post Website which are 3 pages and all has number #01 to 99 and I just add 4 zeroes to it.


For photo HSC is 48 and I add 4 zeroes and it went fine with PayPal Shipping when I purchased the shipping labels.



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Re: HS Code for Shoelaces?

I don't know where you found this information, but it is incorrect.  Right now, any 6 digits will be accepted when printing labels - PayPal is not responsible for your choices, and cannot confirm them.  You are not adding these codes for PayPal, you are adding them for Customs clearance.  These codes will soon be part of a system for scanning goods at origin and pre-clearing them at the destination, even before they leave Canada.  Your packages with fake or incorrect codes may be refused, charged $2 at the Post Office, or fail to clear customs in the destination country.  You could even find yourself at the receiving end of a costly procedure.  If you mistakenly use a code for an item that is banned in the receiving country, or on the CITES list, thlngs could go badly for you. 


There is no such things as a 6 digit HS code ending in 4 zeroes.  Chapter 48, which you used, is for various papers and paperboards,  Chapter 49 is where you find pictures - photographs are 491191.  Chapters 98 & 99 are useless to you - they are reserved for national use, and presently used in North America for classifying services, not goods.


There are many countries in the world that do not take the casual approach to imports that Canada does, and do not have high-tech Customs bureaus.  Customs officers in many locations, upon seeing a code with 6 zeroes, could decide to toss it into the "failed" or "impounded" bin.  Just as easily, they could open the parcel, destroy or sell the contents, or take them home.  You would be the recipient of an "Item Not Received" dispute, and lose both your goods and your payment.


I suggest every seller on eBay take this requirement seriously, spend a little time gaining a basic understanding of the HS code, and compile a list of (well chosen) codes you expect to use frequently.



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