Items not showing up in listings

I know everyone on here means well when giving advice. I followed all your advice on listing descriptions and every time I did a search my stuff was nowhere to be found.


Last night I spent some time watching YouTube videos on how to list your stuff so it sells and YES!!!


After I changed my listings as per the videos suggestion I can now find my listings when doing a search, and not even a detailed search (Canada only of course....although one of my listings did show up in the main search as well)


I'm happy as long as I know that people can see my items. Plus, when it gets down to the end time mine will show up more if buyers choose ending soonest.


Anyway, just wanted to let you know you should watch YouTube videos. They can be lengthy but it was well worth it. Now, hopefully I get some sales!!!! 🙂

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Re: Items not showing up in listings

Community Member

Would you care to share what tricks you learned?


Message 2 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

I have watched a few YouTube eBay videos over the years. Some useful information but for the most part not much more than I knew. I think I got more information from reading the eBay forums daily over the years. At least the information is current and from active buyers and sellers.


With eBay changing all the time, most videos are about the way eBay was set up and not how it is today. So unless you have been selling for a few years and know what is current practices on eBay, the videos an inexperienced seller watches will contain more misinformation than what they do get as correct information with no way of knowing what is good or bad.


Same with using Google search for how to sell on eBay. So much old information.


Even eBay Guides and Reviews written by sellers are way out of date as many were written years ago.


So a new seller is going to pick up a lot of misinformation in my opinion by randomly watching Youtube videos.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

I agree. My items can be found in search listings but it doesn't make them sell.


The only time I sell anything is when I sell it for really cheap (I offer free shipping so I make no money)


I just put a few of items on for .99 cents (no reserve) and right away I have watchers who will swoop in at the last minute and buy it for .99 cents. These items are worth at least $20, sometimes more. These same items were being auctioned for $9.99 and no buyers for weeks. Now at .99 cents people are interested.


I don't think I can make any money on eBay, not even enough to cover costs and shipping. Selling on here wasn't what I thought it would be. I'm better off using Kijiji which is at least free. I've spent a lot of money on listings on here only to sell at dirt cheap prices. Sigh.

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

Yes, I am less positive today than I was in my first post. I'm realizing eBay is not the right place for me to sell my things.
Message 5 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

@jg01302 wrote:
Yes, I am less positive today than I was in my first post. I'm realizing eBay is not the right place for me to sell my things.

When I read your original post I was thinking that the difference you saw in searches was probably mainly due to the fact that you revised a number of your listings.  That in itself can sometimes "freshen" placement in searches if done every now and then.  


I completely agree with 'ricarmic' about getting information from anywhere outside eBay.  EBay changes dramatically even over a period of a few months, so the best place to keep on top of the latest tips is right here on these boards. 


That said, there are a number of fundamental pointers about selling that you can get from the 'Learning Centre' (under the "Customer Support" tab at the top of any eBay page), and also under the "Sell" tab.  Following the "best practices" laid out by eBay can help a lot, and of course the experienced sellers on this board are a good resource.


Now, I don't know that I'd necessarily say eBay isn't the place for you to sell your items, but you do have to recognize that eBay isn't the marketplace it used to be.  They are putting a great deal of focus on sellers with new products, and sellers who sell a lot.  I would say that if you only have a few personal items to sell off on a more or less one-time basis, you might be better off with Kijiji (or even an ad in a local paper or at a local mall or rec centre).  If you plan on making a longer-term business of selling here, then I would stick with it, but I'd recommend the following:


1)  Don't be fooled by the $0.99 auctions.  Yes, you'll get a lot of hits and watches, but I think most experienced sellers would agree that you'll attract "bottom feeders" -- buyers who want everything for next to nothing.  They can be troublesome and complaining, too, and you're not making enough money selling at $0.99 to make the trouble worthwhile.  Not only that, but with free shipping, it seems as if you'd be losing money at a $0.99 selling price.  Run one or two items at a moderate starting price at auction, list the remainder at a Buy It Now price that you feel is the best you can offer to buyers, and leave them on 30-day listings.


2)  In the meantime, make your listings more appealing.  Make them look like you're in the business of selling, not a weekend flea market seller.  You do definitely need to do something about your photos.  Please see the suggestions I made in another post that you started (about a week ago I think?).  Believe me, good photos will make a big difference.  You don't need a whole photography studio to create excellent pictures, but you should try to make them look as if they were taken in a studio. 


Try the tips I mentioned -- a great set of photos will create interest in the item and encourage click-through by buyers.  Also, you have 12 free pictures available; try to use up as many of them as you reasonably can in each listing.  Back, front, side, close-ups of details, etc. 


3)  Fill in the item specifics for each listing.  Don't skip this -- eBay tells us that item specifics are a key factor in searches.


4)  Give more detail about each garment.  Tag size isn't enough, you need actual measurements.  Describe the fabric and colour accurately.  Try to create some excitement about each item.


5)  Personally I wouldn't sell whole lots of clothing (I think you have one listing with about 10 different items).  For one thing, the shipping is going to kill you, and I doubt you'll get as good a price on the whole lot as you would selling them separately, or perhaps two at a time.  Not only that, but more listings will give you more exposure. 


As I said, I don't know whether you have a longer-term goal is on eBay.  If not, and if it's just a case of wanting to make a bit of money for a short time on items that are no longer needed, then you may be right that there are better venues.  I do wish you good luck with your efforts!

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

I started out hoping to sell things for a small profit so I could build a savings acct. In order to that I knew that I had to have positive feedback so people would know I am a good seller.


Once I started trying to make a small profit I realized that buyers are looking for good deals (which I understand) but I'm not making money.


I can do one of two things. Keep at it and hope that one day I make a small profit OR just look at it as a hobby as I do enjoy selling things and making people happy.


I don't know. It's not easy.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

Also, why does eBay highly recommend .99 cent auctions? I've read the information on selling that eBay has set up and they always say start your auctions at .99 cents.
Message 8 of 9
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Re: Items not showing up in listings

@rose-dee wrote:

@jg01302 wrote:
Yes, I am less positive today than I was in my first post. I'm realizing eBay is not the right place for me to sell my things.
I completely agree with 'ricarmic' about getting information from anywhere outside eBay.  EBay changes dramatically even over a period of a few months, so the best place to keep on top of the latest tips is right here on these boards.


Since ricarmic never replied to this topic, I assume you were referring to my post. LOL.


No more genie in a bottle for you! (said in the Seinfeld, "No more soup for you" voice!). LOL.

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