Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

My most recent import has been a nightmare. I spend 1/2hr creating paperwork patting myself on the back how clean it was. It took almost 1hr to get called and my paperwork was rejected because Google exchange rate of 1.0931 is not close enough to their 1.096. The difference in payable was approx $0.30. Funny is that I actually spend time looking for their rate, but CBSA has no mention of it on their website, nor published phone number. Where do I get this rate from? I asked. Call. Call where? Finally I was able to get that phone number. It's built-in my tool below.

Ok, so next to my story - I used their computer. They have archaic DOS program, unbelievably annoying. I made the paperwork, 5 countries of origin, 5 sheets. Usually only last page has totals but now every one had and I attributed it to the finicky software. One of the officers looked, why I am signing every sheet, another said "That's how he did it" and she accepted the paperwork from me.

Guess what - after another hour I was called that my paperwork was rejected again. The reason is that only last page had totals. Officer who rejected my paperwork offered to help me with the software, but then himself did not know how to do it and had to go ask someone. Eventually got it right - bang another hour.

It was pretty amazing watching the officers "work". I seen them watching the screen without moving the hands, obviously were not typing anything. Other were admiring the working schedule for pretty long time. Pretty hard to see actually someone working there. I cannot believe we pay these people from our taxes.

Now to the good stuff:

This tool does not help with lookups, so you still have to lookup your tarifs and duties, but it makes easy to generate final forms so it's exactly how CBSA wants them. Beats paying the broker or UPS or having to redo it several times.

Plus commercial lines are usually faster than personal. Go ahead, bring your own stuff.
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

Hey dip....sounds like me in 1978 although back then the forms were are filled out by hand.

It's been 10 years since I was doing my own clearances out at Pearson, sounds like things haven't changed much. It's always a frustrating experience the first or second time but I expect you'll soon become an "expert".

it was pretty amazing watching the officers "work"

You should check out the "action" at some of the more obscure truck terminals, pretty much like watching paint dry!

I spend 1/2hr creating paperwork patting myself on the back how clean it was. It took almost 1hr to get called and my paperwork was rejected

When I was clearing shipments at Fort Erie back in the day it could easily take 6 hours and if you made an error it could means an overnight stay to get cleared. Believe me, no matter how bad it might seem it's faster and easier than it was 25 years ago when everything was done manually.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

Community Member
I do the paperwork myself as well. To get their exchange rate I do one of two things:

1) CBSA phone number: 1800-461-9999

Through the automated system - go to COMMERCIAL IMPORTATION and then press 0 or # or 9 (can't remember which one).

2) Go to the office prior to doing the paperwork and ask the officer directly.

To answer you 2nd question/point -> I avoid the DOS program and do it all my hand. I prepare the calculations in excel and get the HSCodes from the CBSA documents -> then use Adobe PDF Pro to fill in the boxes on the B3's. Sometimes I get rejected but usually can find my errors pretty quick and resubmit.

Getting the shipping agent to do the brokerage isn't really that expensive but I find I can get the items a couple of days quicker if I do the paperwork & arrange pickup from bonded warehouses myself.

Here is the link for the HS code on CBSA:

I only use chapter 62. You'll use a different chapter.
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

That looks very useful, dipmicro - thanks.

I don't as yet import into Canada, but I can see the day coming...

I remember importing a $400 paper cutter into Canada about 20 years ago - tool 4 hours to get through Lewiston. I was ready to kill someone by the time I got underway. -------------------------------------------------------------------

It is our similarities that make us all human - it is our differences that make us all interesting

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

but I find I can get the items a couple of days quicker if I do the paperwork & arrange pickup from bonded warehouses myself.

I see that nothing has changed in 30 years!

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

... pretty much like watching paint dry!

recped, I was almost on the floor. This metaphore is hilarious 🙂

Getting the shipping agent to do the brokerage isn't really that expensive but I find I can get the items a couple of days quicker if I do the paperwork

massapparel, I find they sometimes assign wrong code, which gets you charged duties.

The form from CBSA is possible to fill directly in the Reader. Most PDF readers allow reading this information from external file - and this is how my tool works - it only creates files that refer to CBSA form and fill it automatically with values. You can open such file directly on Windows, or you can archive it, etc.

The generating the files is little awkward, you have to copy and paste the files - that is so you do not have to submit any data outside of your browser. If I allowed submission, the server could offer the generated files for download and it would be more convenient (this limitation is related to how web applications work).

I do not usually go to the warehouse, just bring it in, drop in the paperwork, wait till release, go home.

Most trucks get just waved in. The only way to get waved in it to have the CBSA barcode and only way to get that barcode in advance is to use the licensed broker. CBSA is holding broker examination once per year (end of October), the problem is to keep the license one needs to work in brokerage industry or own a brokerage firm.
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

massapparel, I tried 1800-461-9999 number and was placed in the long-long queue and gave up.

Then I called (905) 262-4642 number they gave me at Lewiston (port 0901) and got through right away 🙂
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Re: Tool to help with Canada Customs Import Paperwork

Community Member
Hey thanks for the direct number. That'll come in handy for me.

Just an FYI - 0901 is the port number for all of Buffalo/Niagara area. It's not specific to Lewiston. It will also apply to Rainbow & Peace Bridge. At least, that's what I got told by a few border guards anyways.

They're giving me a hassle about some of our bird toys & I needed to call them.

Thanks muchly!!
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