Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

Those little message boxes outlined in yellow that pop up when you're relisting an item seem to be changing again - not an unusual phenomenon here. 


A few months ago, every one of those boxes I encountered said "List 3x for free", then a few weeks ago it changed to "List 1x for free".  Now, today, I was about to check the "List 2x" box, when I noticed there was a proviso beside it that fees may be payable (see text outlined in red below).  What's the use of this if it may generate fees anyway?  I'd rather be in control of my relists and know what I'm paying.  


I would suggest sellers look at these "offers" carefully when they pop up and make sure they know what they're getting (or not) before clicking on the acceptance.  Not long ago, one of the staffers told us at a Wed. board meeting that they had dumped the 3x-free relists because it was overloading the site, so they may be still experimenting.  


Sorry -- I went to insert the screen shot, and it won't load, I'll try under a separate post. 

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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

Here's the example from today: 



Message 2 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

Here's the announcement about that.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

There is also another problem that has developed with this relisting process


About three weeks ago I removed the checkmarks from the boxs for the automatic relisting process for a number of items that I did not want listed through the Holidays.


I checked them a couple of days ago and all the ones that I changed had the checkmark back in the box for relisting - so I went though the revision process one more time.


Keep an eye out.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 4 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

I always worried about that relist, wil keep a lookout for certain, seems a bit cheesy I wonder if done to put the wool over very busy sellers!

Have you noticed in grocery stores how price tags are placed in vicinity that confuses the buyers the store puts a low price near an expensive item, only if you look carefully you see the bait and switch price tags.
Message 5 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

Having spent a few confused minutes relisting items I was sure I had listed as GTC because that has always been by go-to listing, which closed after 30 days, I'm wondering if there is some other glitch going on that is doing this.


One or two I could understand, but over 30 have needed manual relisting.


I relisted with GTC and added a Note to that effect to remind myself in January in case it happens again.


Of course, between the blonde moments and the senior moments, it's amazing I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Message 6 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Here's the announcement about that.

Thanks for posting this, 'pj', I suspected as much from the forever shape-shifting eBay site.  I should pay more attention to the Announcements pages. 


Incidentally, in eBay's usual underhanded, disingenuous manner, from that same page you posted, here is the real reason they've been dangling the free relist carrot over the past few months: 


"Considering the changes above it’s a good time to review the benefits that come with an eBay Stores subscription. - See more at:"  




It had nothing to do with being generous, or trying out a new free listing method that they were planning on giving everybody, but with getting non-store owners used to having free relists so they'd sign up.  What a -- excuse my French -- crock of horse manure! 


So, the rest of us who do have stores have been confused over these ever-changing free relists, but thought they might become some sort of regular feature.  EBay's clawing them back had absolutely nothing to do with site overloading.  That explanation from the staffer was a just a smoke screen.  


Ever since yearly store subscriptions were introduced, I've been expecting that eBay would eventually want to herd everybody into the store ownership corner.  Once the majority of sellers have signed up, the next thing will be mandatory 1 or 2-year subscription contracts.  They've learned from the cell phone providers -- who, by the by, were also notorious for offering great freebies that somehow vanished once you signed up.  


There's nothing inherently wrong with stores (I like having one), but it's the creepy methods eBay uses that disgusts me.  I've said it many times, but I'll repeat: you always have to look behind the obvious to find the true motive where eBay is concerned.  I'd say two thumbs down for this little tactic on eBay's part -- for shame!



Message 7 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

I have just gone through my listings and removed the auto relist check box - again. It seems that if you use the bulk relist option the auto relist check box is automatically set - even if the box hadn't been checked the last time the item was listed.


All sellers should be aware and keep an eye on their listings. Seems like there will be a lot of manual updates required in the future.

Message 8 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

This happened to me last week. Over 100 items re-listed and the automatic re-list buttons boxes were NOT checked!! Some listed for 30 days and others for only 10 so I went thru the rest of all my listings and found the majority were checked even though I was very careful to uncheck the boxes when I originally re-listed.


This morning again I went through over 200 listings and still many were checked! Also watch for it if you revise an item. What a pain!


The latest items listed no longer have the box - at least that's what I have found.

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Watch out for the little yellow message boxes

My solution is easy (I believe in the KISS system):


List everything at fixed price GTC (Good Till Cancelled).


Problem solved.

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