eBay keeps cutting down on functionality, instead of adding missing functions

I am mad with eBay. Really mad. They never (really never) add missing functions, or update stupid functions like the need of adding a tracking number to every single item (still love to have orders of 30 items and more).


Since they change to the new seller central or how ever it's called, the UI develops more and more back to be fuzzy-proof, instead of function-loaded.


The newest prank is to make the sales record non-editable. Good job, eBay. So many times I have buyers placing different orders the same day or on a weekend, and I always refund shipping cost and combine those orders manually. But now, I can not edit the sales record anymore, setting the shipping to zero. I still can refund it, of course, but the invoice will be wrong, and my tax documentation a lot more difficult.


Yesterday a customer asked me to change the shipping address, and of course, I went to the sales record... Ta-dah!! No way to change the address anymore. I cancelled this order and asked the customer to order again. Otherwise we couldn't print invoice and label with the right address for the packaging crew.


I am too tired to complain even more, but there is a lot more what's not available on functions anymore.


When Amazon becomes more and more professional, the seller tools are tie with Walmart and better than any other sales channel, eBay steps back and makes it harder for professional operating businesses, by making it probably easier for grandma to raffle off her teddy bears.


So, I had to blow off some steam. Now I feel better.

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Re: eBay keeps cutting down on functionality, instead of adding missing functions

Go to Seller Hub and send Comments via their Feedback email link.


But first, read these:




and https://community.ebay.ca/t5/Seller-Central/Seller-Hub-what-happened-to-all-my-customization/m-p/410...


There really ARE people within the cogs of the ebay corporation, and they listen. 



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Re: eBay keeps cutting down on functionality, instead of adding missing functions

If you can only read one thing, go to the first thread that I cited: message four, point c. 

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Re: eBay keeps cutting down on functionality, instead of adding missing functions

Thanks for the links, and your engagement. I actually wasn't aware of customizing options for the sales records. But I used the opportunity to edit and modify a lot. Customer placed 2 orders the same day? I set shipping to zero for one order and then refund the extra cost. Someone ordered 20 items, and is already a regular returning customer? I changed letter mail shipping to Express without extra cost. A customer asked to change the shipping address, because for example just the unit number was missing? I changed it, and saved it, right away. So next morning, when someone prints labels and invoices, it would print the right address. Now I have to leave a sticky note on the packaging counter.


I was once very mad, when I sent feedback about lost functions, when they started with the new seller hub. I got once a reply, but never again. Regardless how positive or helpful my feedback probably was. So I am expecting my email address to be on a black list.


I don't understand why eBay acts so stupid. Instead of making things better for "power user", they make it worse, with every single step. None of the problems I am trying to address for months or years (!!) have ever been resolved: adding 1 tracking number to orders of multiple items instead of adding x-times the same number to every single position; not being able to charge sales tax on shipping regardless the settings; not having GST/HST and PST as separate positions to be able to print a legal invoice right from eBay sales record, and some more).


I really wonder how you made them listening to you. I only have the feeling to fight windmills. eBay doesn't even have an option to report technical issues. And that they don't have email communication anymore, is a 21st century naughtiness.


I keep looking for offline tools. With the recent massive cut of functionality, there will be more offline tools coming up. More competition, better pricing, better functions.

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