wrong currency conversion on sending offer

Just to let all know to be sure to check the currency conversion from US to Canadian $$ on your . com listing when you send an offer to a watcher. On .com I lowered the price of an item from $50 US to $45 US, but the Canadian $$ was shown as $34.44 and not $58.77 which is correct. I just spoke with eBay who said, yes, it appears to be a problem and they are going to call back later when they have repaired the conversion error. Please check this issue on your account (.com) before you send  an offer because the buyer might accept at the incorrect low Canadian $$.

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Re: wrong currency conversion on sending offer

Sounds as if they got the conversion backwards.

The Canadian dollar is worth roughly 75% of the US dollar.

And the US dollar is worth roughly $1.25 Canadian.



The conversion rate is not fixed.

The published rates (such as on xe.com) are mid-market rates used by large financial institutions for multi-million trades.

You can get different rates on the same day by visiting every bank in a three block radius plus one or two credit unions and a foreign currency shop.


If you keep an eye on mid-market rates, you can sometimes make a loonie or two when you transfer your US currency from your US bank to your Canadian bank.

The trick is to use a US bank that is a subsidiary of a Canadian bank, like TDNorth or RBCBank, and have a US dollar account at the TDCanada Trust or the Royal Bank.  Those will take your US transfer without charging foreign exchange, until you move the money to your Canadian dollar account.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: wrong currency conversion on sending offer

I haven't send watchers any offers but I'm curious...at what point does it show you the conversion amount? When I do the first step of an offer on a .com listing, I enter a $US value...does the Canadian dollar come up in the next step or..?

Message 3 of 7
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Re: wrong currency conversion on sending offer

When you press Make offer (before you send it)and enter the lowered US amount, a box under that number has the C $$ , lower than the US amount. I was told do not send offer yet. I am waiting for the eBay return call.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: wrong currency conversion on sending offer

eBay cs isn't known for its reliability on returning calls.


When I enter an amount, I don't see a Canadian amount at all, I don't know why you do.  We are talking about when you are sending an offer to watchers?

Message 5 of 7
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Re: wrong currency conversion on sending offer

First box says send offer. Then box with offer price. Then review offer box will show Can $$ under US price.

           In any case, just got call from cs who said problem is 'cosmetic(??) and I should ignore it. The only price watcher will see is offered US price. I will give it  try.

Message 6 of 7
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Re: wrong currency conversion on sending offer

There is a similar post from someone in Israel and an ebay rep has been paged there so that they will be aware of the problem.



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