More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

I'm wondering if anyone else has been experiencing problems getting the label screen to appear after paying for your Paypal label?  


I've printed four labels -- 2 yesterday and 2 today (2 were Expedited, 2 were Lt/Small Pkt) -- and after making my payment for each one I waited for what seemed like an eternity, looking at a blank pop-up screen.  After a full 5 minutes I closed the pop-up, and clicked on "Reprint label".  Slowly, but finally, the label appeared.  


This is new.  It was all working just fine last week.  I'm using Chrome, have the pop-up blocker disabled, and have changed absolutely nothing else.  You can imagine my sinking feeling, having paid over $20 for a label, and seeing nothing appear.  


On the last of the 4 labels I actually had to hit "Reprint" twice before it would show up.  


Any other sellers having this issue with Paypal?  Or is it just my bad luck again?

Message 1 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Not applicable

I get that once in a while like 2 times every year, not sure why.

Message 2 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

When I was having problems with printing Paypal label about a month ago and I phoned I was told that Paypal has problems with Chrome. To use IE or Firefox?. I always use IE and I'm not sure if I've ever tried using Chrome on Paypal but that's what they told me.


Hope the problem disappears soon.

Message 3 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Thanks for your response.  You may want to look at the other string on this board that came up again this week concerning Paypal labels.  Some of us have determined that IE is the issue - at least when running XP.  I switched to Chrome because of it.  I don't personally like Firefox because of all the 'stuff' they attempt to foist on you once you've downloaded, but I may try that next. 


The bottom line, as I mentioned in the other thread, is that it's ridiculous eBay hasn't figured out a way to make their site consistently compatible with most of the commonly-used browsers.  Perhaps if they spent less time messing up things that do work and focus on the things that don't, these problems would get resolved.  

Message 4 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

"it's ridiculous eBay hasn't figured out a way to make their site consistently compatible with most of the commonly-used browsers."


When it comes to postage labels purchased through PayPal, I suspect the problem may be with Pitney Bowes who administers that program in Canada since 2006, not eBay, Canada Post or PayPal.  Pitney-Bowes has been running a similar program with in the USA since 2004.


The official announcement:

Message 5 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

@rose-dee wrote:

Thanks for your response.  You may want to look at the other string on this board that came up again this week concerning PayPal labels.  Some of us have determined that IE is the issue - at least when running XP.  I switched to Chrome because of it.  I don't personally like Firefox because of all the 'stuff' they attempt to foist on you once you've downloaded, but I may try that next. 


The bottom line, as I mentioned in the other thread, is that it's ridiculous eBay hasn't figured out a way to make their site consistently compatible with most of the commonly-used browsers.  Perhaps if they spent less time messing up things that do work and focus on the things that don't, these problems would get resolved.  

What "stuff"? I do not get any "stuff" from FireFox directly or any third party through FireFox. Please explain.

I have installed some FF Add-ons that I searched for and installed by my own decision. Never was offered anything.


FireFox has version updates 2-3-4 times a year. I have changed the default setting from automatic update to manual update with notification only of an update available. I did this because with auto update, version 16 was bad for eBay and would not allow uploading of pictures. Affected many FF users. It took a weekend for eBay to fix. I went back to FF 15. I always wait a month before going to a new version of FF. If there any issues, the eBay forums will be full of complaints. I am currently at FF 23.0.1 and 24 has been available for a few weeks.


I went with FireFox over Google Chrome 2 years back just by chance. So far FireFox has met my needs. Also a lot of addons available but most I do not need. I only use 2-3 addons,- one is AdBlock Plus to stop all of the anooying eBay ads while using eBay.

Message 6 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

What "stuff"? I do not get any "stuff" from FireFox directly or any third party through FireFox.


I haven't had that problem either and I've used Firefox for at least 8 years if not longer.


However, right now I do use IE for printing labels. About 6 months ago, the labels on Firefox suddenly become

much smaller than usual. I still haven't figured out why that is or how to fix it, although I admit I haven't tried

that hard to do so.  Any ideas Poco?

Message 7 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

pj, all I can think of is to check your printer margins setup for a web page. If they are big, perhaps the label dynamically resizes to the available space between margins.


In FireFox, go to top menu on left, File -> Page Setup and there are two tabs.


The first tab "Format and Options" has options to control the page. There is one to shrink and one to fit to page width.


The second tab "Margins & Header/Footer" and gives the size of the margins. If the left and right margins are big (1 inch or over), the available page width is small and if the first tab option is shrink to fit page width, it may shrink the label width and the label overall.


I have my margins set to 0.5 inch all sides and I have Shrink to fit page width checked off. But I print very few PayPal labels as I use discount postage mainly with Small Packet and Light Packet. I did print an Expedited Parcel recently and had no issues.



Message 8 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Well, as a follow-up, the label I printed today went through just fine, same browser (Google), no other changes.  I'm at the point of giving up trying to work around this with browsers.  I really don't want 4 browsers loaded on my computer at the moment just so I can switch around depending on the flavour of the day at eBay.  I'm going to stick to Chrome for a while, and if I can't print a label, I'll go to the P.O. 


As an aside to the issue 'pj' mentioned, (and 'poco' may remember me going on about this a while ago Smiley Frustrated), the teeny-weeny, miniscule, unreadable fonts on my "Me" page, as well as on some of my invoicing pages have suddenly fixed themselves today!  My "Me" page reverted to the regular-sized fonts I set it up with.  Thank goodness I didn't spend the time to re-input all that text.  


Yesterday my dashboard disappeared completely for a while, then re-appeared.  This was a new one. 


It seems to me these things didn't happen with such regularity even a year ago.  I think eBay programmers have mucked up things all over the site in their attempts to make so many changes, and now have a whole lot of other unrelated issues that were caused by the constant fiddling and redesigning.  Oh how I wish they'd just stop making changes for a few weeks and clean up all the messes they've left behind first.  



Message 9 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

@pocomocomputing wrote:


The first tab "Format and Options" has options to control the page. There is one to shrink and one to fit to page width.


'poco' - My issue with the tiny fonts wasn't a consistent problem that needed display size adjustment, because it only happened in certain sections of certain pages on eBay.  I also noticed a couple of other people's "Me" pages that I looked at had these infinitely small fonts.  Now when I look at those pages, they are normal.  Something else has to be going on besides my own computer/browser settings.  



Message 10 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

I've been having an odd occurrence happening to me for the past few days with PayPal Labels.


Everything works fine up until the end before I go onto the print label screen I'm consistently getting a "Page interruption" error message screen. Then 100% of the time when I hit "try again" it works fine.


I've dealt with the "PayPal unavailable" occurrence before but this is different and weird.


Using FireFox

Message 11 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Same thing happened to us today for three labels; two of the labels printed on the second try; had one label that didn't print -- tried to reprint.  Didn't work.  Tried to print sample label.  Got that one to print.  Ended up having to do a label cancellation request on the label we couldn't print and purchased another label.  That one printed on the first try.  Something's amiss.

Message 12 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Oh great!


Now it's not working at all this morning!! Cat Mad

Message 13 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

I called Paypal and they said that the technical people are working on it. I have items paid for and no labels, last time that happened, I never did get my payment back. How do you get the payment refunded?


I was told to wait about an hour and then refresh the page, but then I got a message to say that I  had multiple  labels printed, I actually didn't have any.

Message 14 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

I have 40 US & INT orders to print and send off today, along with 50 Canadian to do on top of that.....I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS DELAY!!!!!!!!!!!




Message 15 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Same problem here Payment goes through to purchase labels but when it`s time to print


Keeps coming up.

Smiley Mad

Message 16 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

The same thing happened again to me today - I had 2 Lt. Pkt labels to print.  Using Chrome, I paid for the first one, then it wouldn't print at all.  I tried using the "Reprint" feature four times and still nothing. 


Finally I decided to close all open windows, close Chrome, open IE and try going back directly into Paypal to access the "Reprint" feature from within the Paypal transaction record.  This time it worked.  Huhh???  Last month IE wouldn't print readable labels, so I switched to Chrome.  Now Chrome won't print labels at all.


Paypal (or more likely, Pitney-Bowes) really need to get onto this problem.  Their site has been unreliable and twitchy-glitchy for months!

Message 17 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

@pocomocomputing wrote:

pj, all I can think of is to check your printer margins setup for a web page. If they are big, perhaps the label dynamically resizes to the available space between margins.


In FireFox, go to top menu on left, File -> Page Setup and there are two tabs.


The first tab "Format and Options" has options to control the page. There is one to shrink and one to fit to page width.


The second tab "Margins & Header/Footer" and gives the size of the margins. If the left and right margins are big (1 inch or over), the available page width is small and if the first tab option is shrink to fit page width, it may shrink the label width and the label overall.


I have my margins set to 0.5 inch all sides and I have Shrink to fit page width checked off. But I print very few PayPal labels as I use discount postage mainly with Small Packet and Light Packet. I did print an Expedited Parcel recently and had no issues.



Thanks Poco. My margins were .5 and the scale was set to 90%. I changed the scale to 100% and was able to print a small packet air that came out perfect. But when I experimented on a light packet label, all I got was the top
'Pitney Bowes' line and the date on the bottom and no label in between.  Bizarre. I'll fiddle with it more tomorrow.

Page to fit wasn't checked off and when I did check it off, there was no difference.


Message 18 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

@pocomocomputing wrote:

pj, all I can think of is to check your printer margins setup for a web page. If they are big, perhaps the label dynamically resizes to the available space between margins.


In FireFox, go to top menu on left, File -> Page Setup and there are two tabs.


The first tab "Format and Options" has options to control the page. There is one to shrink and one to fit to page width.


The second tab "Margins & Header/Footer" and gives the size of the margins. If the left and right margins are big (1 inch or over), the available page width is small and if the first tab option is shrink to fit page width, it may shrink the label width and the label overall.


I have my margins set to 0.5 inch all sides and I have Shrink to fit page width checked off. But I print very few PayPal labels as I use discount postage mainly with Small Packet and Light Packet. I did print an Expedited Parcel recently and had no issues.



Thanks Poco. My margins were .5 and the scale was set to 90%. I changed the scale to 100% and was able to print a small packet air that came out perfect. But when I experimented on a light packet label, all I got was the top
'Pitney Bowes' line and the date on the bottom and no label in between.  Bizarre. I'll fiddle with it more tomorrow.

Page to fit wasn't checked off and when I did check it off, there was no difference.


Make sure the in the Headers & Footers are set to blank.


I just checked my FireFox page setup and it has the headers & footers no longer set to blank.  Hmm, I upgraded from FF 23.0.1 to FF 24.0.0 yesterday. I wonder if it changed my Page Setup settings. I wonder if upgrading causes issues like this. It may explain issues I have every once in a while with FireFox and eBay and maybe for others????


I have my FireFox set for manual updating but to receive notices of any updates. I do not have auto updating because sometimes eBay will not work properly if I get the latest FireFox version when it comes out. I always wait a few weeks before allowing the update to go ahead. I figure by that time eBay members will be posting about issues with the latest FF if any and it gives time for eBay and FireFox to make the new version work together.


I dislike Google Chrome because it auto updates and you have no control over it (as far as I know). So Google Chrome can be glitchy because the version changed without your knowing this.


PS One issue I am having with the new FireFox is that the FF spellchecker doers not work in these forums. I usually have to right click and check off spellchecker to have it run but there is no option showing in the right click menu.  Seems like some issues exist with FF 24.

Message 19 of 20
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Re: More Paypal label problems... when will this end?

Make sure the in the Headers & Footers are set to blank.


I just checked and they were not set to blank (but are now). I printed a couple of light packet labels yesterday when using Firefox and everything worked perfectly.  Thanks again. 🙂

Message 20 of 20
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