Issue applying the sales tax table to my existing listings or new listings

Hi! I have a huge problem!

I edited my sales tax tables like ebay requires to enable taxes at checkout.


It says in the documentation of ebay that I neeed to edit my existing listings to have those taxes rules applied

It says to select the option to enable the tax table in the listing . But that option dosen't exist. It only allows me to select one province in the Sales tax section. Even if I save its not working. If I look in custumize ( in the right corner of the revised listing page) Sales tax is checked so in theory it should be active.


Can someone help me please? Even ebay custumer service are clueless.  This should be as easy of checking a box in your seller profile and its applied on every listings. But noooo, ebay had to make it listing by listing... wow lol

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Did you ever get this figured out?

I am having the EXACT same problem.


Since you posted this at the beginning of July, I really hope it got resolved by now!


Please let me know if you solved this.


Just to be clear-- you are registered to collect and remit GST and provincial taxes, right?

Because if not, don't.