Promoted listings now at a higher minimum?

Hi. When I view my active listings (I do not have a store). I see every listing has "ad not showing. Your ad rate is below the minimum." Then there is a blue edit listing button. 


Anyone else getting this? Are we now forced to pay more for promoted listings like the US sellers were recently? I also noticed my views were very low just recently.


Wow. Just wow.



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Yes. The PL minimum is now 2%.

I just noticed this myself and have been bulk editing to increase the fee (if the item sells) and to adjust asking prices while I'm at it.

Annoyingly, I can't change the percentage in bulk, only one at a time, so it's slower than I like.

This may be me missing something.


We got some warning but the date was vague and the "invisibility" of the PL listings was a shock.


Of course, you can also remove the PL entirely and eBay loses that fee. Mwah hah hah haaaah.