Whatever happened to Positive Feedback ?-Ah-the good ole days!

Just wanted to get something off my chest-the fact that in my last 10-12 sales-I have not received any feedback at all-good or bad.I guess with this total crazy and cluttered Selling format-new buyers just can't seem to find the Positive button. -Its sad how after 20yrs of trying my dambdest to be a good buyer and seller-it doesn't matter now how high your rating is or what color your star is?-I thought that this was our ID-a ranking of how professional we were as sellers?-I always left my Positive feedback for the buyers after payment received -even changing their (0) to their first feedback ,welcoming them to ebay. I gave a great item at a great price with professional packaging -sent to another country safely arriving in the same condition as it was sent. I take pride in being a Seller and would like to receive just one positive note.It would be greatly appreciated . To all you buyers out there-if you were happy with the transaction and especially the item when received -please let us know by finding that feedback button-thank you.

Shortchanged Seller

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I always give feedback. I will fllow-up on my feedback with a message to the seller that my item has been received. I have had a few issues, not many, over the years but these have been resolved through messages between me and the seller.