getting a message that ebay's server is down - its not you its us - cant print shipping label

Hi everyone -  I am trying to print a shipping label and all day i have been getting a message saying our server is down - it's not you it's us. Has anyone else gotten this message? How long does this usually last? i am hoping to get my label printed asap for my buyer. So far I have tried 5 times to print and get the same message each time. is there any way i can go into Shippo and print the label or would the info not be downloaded?





Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)



From your Seller's Hub page you should be able to click on previous order can then click on print shipping labels. Seeing the same error message.


Secondary way would be to sign into Shippo directly. Make sure it is a secure address and then you should be able to access your current orders. Shippo login attached.



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Same here. Had a chat with eBay Rep this morning - they don’t know how long the server will be done but are working on it.

Gave up trying to print label and shipped manually through post office - but now thats problematic because for international shipping, they want you to do online electronic customs documentation before going to post office. And that document requires the buyer’s phone number which I didn’t have because ebay doesn’t allow that. Had to get the post office lady to ship the old fashioned way. What a pain! 

I've been getting this same message for 2 days. I've just gone straight to Shippo and printed my labels directly from their site (instead of ebay's link) but it's a pain and it's hard to believe that this hasn't been fixed by ebay after 2 days.