Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Ok just got off the phone with my CP Rep

1) In the new year 2004 tracking for small packet USA will be coming out
2) Canada post will start small packet for across Canada 2004

Ebay Canada Post discount

Many have you have called me 1-604-853-0424, you have stated that the Rep for Ebay Canada Post discount has stated the following . That if you write the CP Manifest manually you will be charged a surcharge

First their are two comments I would like to make . My Rep states that their is no surcharge for writing a manifest manually . The rep for Ebay is quoting info from Sept 1 2003 stating " that the 5.00 surcharge was started then "

Yes the surcharge was started then ....ONLY ON BULK LETTER MAIL

The Canada post Rep for Ebay is quoting from wrong info info not related to shipments of packages, but related bulk letter mail surcharge started in Sept 1 . The Canada Post Rep is intentionally trying to mislead Ebay Canada Post discount customers . The reason why is clear !!!

Canada Post wants you to do your manifest on line , to save them time ......not you .

What should you do ??? You should call your Canada Post Rep for the Ebay discount . Ask him why Expedited commercial rate to America is more then the counter rate with the online program ..The reason it's more even with the Ebay discount is because of the hidden brokerage fees

Remember if you open an account out with Canada Post outside of Ebay discount

You get the following when opening your own Canada Post Account
Discount on express post USA
Discount on Expedited USA
Written Manifest no surcharge

You can get terms with Canada Post ( most accounts)
You get your own Rep
Additional 2% off your bill if you use online CP program

Some whom have called me have chosen to close their CP Ebay discount account . Then open their own account with Canada Post. You need to look at your situation CP and weigh your options

Once again if you have questions about CP feel free to call me

Now my CP Rep did state it is possible , that Canada Post has requested that Ebay customers with the Ebay discount using the online CP program
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Before I begin - I just wanted to apologize Todd for the amount of time that it took me to write this. I had the worst of problems with my PC! I apologize.

I had quite an issue with CP. I was sick of all the data-entry BS that CP's software required and the time that it consumed. Who the heck cared about the measly 5-10% discount on a package that costs $10. I called all 50 million of CP's phone numbers inluding the CP Rep for eBay (who is in charge of all your accounts if you ship with eBay PS discounts - his name is Craig) trying to get a solution. I wish I could say that they were willing to help! THEY WERE NOT! ALL THEY CARED ABOUT IS MAKING MONEY!
So I came to a conclusion that maybe I should call another PS that has been through their games. That is when I read Todd's post about CP and how he was ready to help. So I decided to give him a call - and it is a good thing I did!

Firstly, if anybody is still in my position and wants out - either read what Todd suggested in the above post or call him. He is WAY WAY WAY WAY nicer and more helpful and friendly than all of CP's reps combined (maybe his rep is an exception a I hear good things abouy Cosmo). I say this with all honesty!

Don't get sucked into eBay/CP's BS mindgame of a discount. The discount does not even exist! Most of you are aware that the prices that you pay with CP using their software is MUCH higher than if you went to a CP counter/outlet! WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN!?!?!?!?!?!? AND CP HAS THE NERVE TO TELL US WE ARE GETTING A DISCOUNT!?!??!?!?!

Todd's pool sounds ideal and is definately a thing that EVERY Canadian PS should join. I don't care if eBay tells me they will do better than the pool - frankly, I have had enough of these games. --> ebay - please do your homework about these things before making them public and offering them as an incentive to PowerSellers.

ONE THING IS FORSURE! I am closing my eBay PS account with CP and opening a personal account. The rates are better, I dont have to use the BS program or software, I can get a pickup (you can get that with your eBay account but I am just adding it to the list so it sounds good;)). But most of all, you get YOUR OWN CP REP!!!!! That means no shared rep by all of the PS who doesnt give a you know what about your business! Your own rep who is your direct connection with CP and will do things to help you improve and succeed. THAT IS WHAT WE ALL NEED!

Again, Todd is a LIFESAVER! He saved me from CP's games and helped me make my business become more efficient in all aspects including dropping TurdLister and speeding up e-mail reply times! Todd I dont even know how to thank you enough!


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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Daniel, you've summed up my pleasant experience with Todd and not so pleasant experience with Canada Post and the eBay PS discount.

We have spent several days on the phone with Canada Post trying to get the online desktop software working and trying to sign up with the PS discount program. We already have an account with terms with Canada Post that we set up last year. Once I realized that I should be speaking with my original CP rep, our mailing just got a whole lot easier. Heck, our rep even emails me forms and will actually respond to my emails. Try that with the PS discount program.

Today was our first day using what we fondly refer to as the "Chic Shopper Shipping Method." It is based on the KISS premise: don't type or write more than you have to and definitely do not pay more than you would at the counter. The wife and I took an hour drive to a larger post office along with several crates of parcels, some manifests, and a whole lot of questions. Our most common question was "Are you sure this is all we have to do?"

For example, we order all our CP supplies preprinted when available and it does not cost us anything more. We don't have to continuously write out our address or account number on the Expedited USA labels. We can cut out the customer's mailing address from their Paypal email or payment envelope return address and glue stick it on the address portion of the CP label. We jot down the contents and declare a value of $100 (unless more is required). That's it for the labeling and postage on the parcel. We do not have to fill out anything else on the form since it is: a) already preprinted and b) the rest of the shaded areas are no longer applicable when using the manifest. The customer does not see the postage charged or the date shipped because it is no longer on the parcel. That is the purpose of the manifest. We staple the carbon copy of the Expedited label to our customer's payment info for future reference. On the manifest we write down the customer's name, state, package weight and shipping code. We also peel off the little tracking number sticker of the label and put it on the manifest for our future reference, but it's not necessary. Sign the manifest and drop it all off on the post office dock. No more counter waiting.

Now if you are shipping Small Packet USA / International like 75% of our shipments, it gets easier. Prepare our package like normal using the cut and glue stick address labeling system, stick on the small Green Custom's sticker, and now for the best part: you make a sheet of Avery labels up with the Canada Post Logo (Indicia) and your account number and stick a label on the package where you would have normally put the stamps or postage meter tape. This should be good for Mr. Labels business. Jot down the customer name, state, weight, and service type code on the manifest and then drop the whole works off at the post office dock. In two weeks you will receive a bill from CP for the postage. The $2.80 or $4.25 postage cost is never revealed to the customer. No more cringed waiting for the ticked off customer emails over postage versus shipping costs when they receive their item. How many sellers have secretly wished to ship an item when a customer demands to pay only for ACTUAL postage by sticking stamps on the ACTUAL book cover, LP or vase? The manifest system helps subdue those urges.

Todd brings up a lot of valid points about the PS discount program and the online tools. This morning we used the CP website to look up the counter rates for a specific Expedited USA shipment and printed it out. We entered the same information in the online tools and on the preview page is was almost $2 more than the counter rates even including our 2% discount. When I showed this to the postal clerk today, she could not believe it, nor could she offer any kind of explanation why if the customer does all the data entry and is given a 2% discount, it still costs more than if a postal clerk has to handle it over the counter, weigh it, meter it, collect the cash, etc.

This shipping cost comparison was not done under the PS agreement number because since the discount was announced I have been trying to get it set up and haven't received confirmation from CP. It also does not discount Expedited USA service. I really don't want it now and I can't image anyone shipping more than two parcels a day not using the "Chic Shopper Shipping Method." I'll renegotiate with our own CP rep and now that they have a record of our Small Packet shipments on the manifests, they are more willing when they see the overall shipping that we do.

There is so much more to say, but luckily Todd doesn't mind answering a "few" questions. Thanks for all the help Todd.

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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
This sounds most interesting, but what is this manifest form you guys are alluding too. is this a a CP form?
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
A Manifest

It's a large paper that holds about 10 customers addresses . It has I believe 3 carbon copies under it (attatched too it).

To Ship to America , all that is need to be billed by Canada Post really is the customers states, weight, and shipping code. Trurthfully in box for the customers full address and naem you could leave it blank. Most customers that use my method just place the customers first and last name

I have been getting about 30 calls a day from people asking me to help them . So for those whom have called , I am really sorry??? . I do talk alot , I really do enjoy helping Ebay sellers stream-line the shipping .

A lot of what i have learned , happend by picking the brain of my CP rep. About a year ago , I got an amazing CP rep.

I sat him down and showed him what I was shipping . He then showed me ways to save time .

My methods are simple and easy to Ship too America. A year ago I could only ship say 30 parcels a day . That's boxing the item , adding bubble wrap. With the help from my CP rep and a little stream-lining . I increases it too 60 parcels a day.

Remember I am doing this with my own CP account , Everything is NOT done on the CP online program , but manually . I can show you how by manually writing the info on the manifest will be faster then using the CP online program. I can show you how to Canada post supplies tons of FREE stuff ....

Once you have shipping down to America, I can shows you too tips for shipping in Canada that will save you tons of time

Once again if you want to call me 1-604-853-0424
I can comunicate better on the phone , writing the info just does not seem to have the same effect

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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
ok ....I forgot too hit spell check sorry
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member

Is my understanding correct, that even with Business account + 2% on-line discount, counter rates are still lower?

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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member America ...because of the hidden brokerage fees in the online program
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
I used to be confused about this, but now I understand that it's the online aspect not the business account that raises the rate. Fill out a manifest and depending upon the discount level negotiated with CP, you will be lower than the retail counter rate. But beware if you use that same business account with online shipping tools, your rate will be higher than counter rates when shipping to the USA.

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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Actually Todd, that information is incorrect. I have found that the VCD software saves about 2% on Xpresspost over the counter rate. I have never had an item cost more through VCD than at the counter..Never.
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Could it be that the expedited parcel on the VCD is Commercial Expedited Parcel whereas Todd is talking about Expedited Parcel that doesn't use Global Logistics for customs brokerage? The Commercial Expedited US on VCD is more expensive then the Expedited Parcel quoted on the CP website business side. On the other hand the Xpresspost USA on VCD is cheaper then Xpresspost quoted on the CP website.

Could the Commercial Expedited US vs. the regular Expedited US be the confusion? Commercial Expedited has only been added recently to VCD. Regular Expedited has never been available through VCD I've always had to get an Expedited Parcel US label fill it in and go to the post office.
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
I will clarify that I am referring to the Expedited USA Service, not Xpresspost when doing the online cost comparisons. Expedited is cheaper than Xpresspost and offers insurance and tracking but does take a couple days longer to deliver.
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
This is correct the ground service to America sorry thanks for the comment www-labels4less-com

However , the other comment stamds . I can write the manifest faster then using the online version. For all the data entery , you can do Two customer filled out on the writen manifest . You can also set up paypal , so the packing slip on the top of the package to American . Is all that is needed
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
OY!!! I have a headache!!! LOL I seriously don't have a clue about what most of you are talking about. I must be in the minority because all I ever do is take my parcels to my little local PO and she weighs them, and I pay her. I know I should look into some of this stuff but it seems so confusing and so many different things and terms etc. I'm not even sure I'm entitled to any discounts and most of my parcels are small and to the US.
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
I'm with you, Deltone.

I ship Small Parcel to the US, and just pop down to see my friendly postie at the 7-11.

Although I would like the 'stealth' postage....

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
How would you like to ship a small packet to America, and not get crusified by an American customer for adding say 1.75 extra to the packing

By opening a Canada Post Account , you will never ever have fear of a American or Canadian Customer . Emailing you and commenting on the fact you made 1.50 profit off the shipping . . They know this because the shipping is stated on the package and they refer to the shipping quoted in the auction

Truthfully you never made profit off the shipping , you stood in line , you used your car , you boxed it , your time . But the Generaly NEWBEE on ebay does not see that

By opening an account with CP you will never have the shipping cost posted on your packetage for the cutomer too see.......

How would you like to have daily pick up's at 4.00 pm in the Afternoon . Meaning each day CP comes to your door and asks if you have parcels for them . Now they drive too you instead of you driving too them . If you are shipping over 121 parcels a weeks it's free for pick-ups . ( most places )

How would you like too not plan your day around dropping off parcels . But be able to leave them at the back door for the CP truck to pick up ......

How would you like to have terms with Canada Post

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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
It all sounds very good!!! But can you do this if most of your parcels are small? How does the postage not show up? Do you print the postage on labels or something? I'm so confused. I think I need some sort of step by step course, from the VERY BEGINNING! LOL Where might I find something like this? I don't find the Canada Post website helpful in this dept. as it seems to assume one has a basic knowledge of certain things. My knowledge of the PO is you package your take it to the PO.......they weigh it, they tell you the cost, you pay, you leave and you pray they get it there. That's it. LOL
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Call me !! lol phone # above .I will walk you threw it , it's very easy. You want to open a small busines account with Canada Post

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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
I think I'll do that! THANKS!! You're very kind!!! Won't be doing it right now as I'm getting ready to go out!! THANKS
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Canada Post ~~new things coming out in the NEW Year 2004~~Also more info on CP discount w/ Ebay the good and Bad

Community Member
Todd, can you also do that if most of your shipping is by lettermail? Most of my sales are coins or old postcards so they are usually under 100 grams and less than 2 cms.



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