Ford....that pretty much sums it up

It's the Toronto Star.

No one cares and the paper is garbage and not even usefull as TP.


Message 2 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

I still look at the information and compare it to other media. To ignore it can let a person miss the truth at times. Even I may  read the Sun at times and sort out the spew from the truth.

Message 3 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

Ford Nation - how can you continue to unconditionally believe in this sad excuse?  Do you think it's all a big conspiracy?  If so, how sad.

Message 4 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

I doubt that Ford will get a second term.

I believe that the Star is wasting their time focusing on him.

The man will self destruct.

My hope is that John Tory will run.


Rumour has it that if the race for mayer is between Chow and Ford, that Ford will win.


Message 5 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

How can anybody be so obsessed with 1 person who has no control over your life? You live nowhere near him, he is not Mayor of where you live and in no way what so ever can effect your life. But any time something comes up about Mr.  Ford you have it copied and pasted onto this board before the ink on the paper dry's.

It really is a shame that this is your life!!!

The Mayor of where you live,  Mr.  Joe Fontana is up on fraud charges but nothing ever gets posted about him.

Could it be the difference of one being a Liberal and the other a Conservative ?


Just seems a little off that you post about the Conservative who has not been charged and you want him out of office but the Liberal who has been charged can stay in office until he is proven guilty.

Message 6 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

"My hope is that John Tory will run."


If Ford decides to run again, the Conservative Party will not allow Tory, another Conservative, to run against him. That would split the vote from the right and elect another "Miller" type mayor.


I expect Ford to run and be re-elected.

Message 7 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

" (Ford)...who has no control over your life?"


Actually, Ford is well connected and his policies may result in both Queen's Park and Ottawa giving money from Ontario taxpayers and Canadian taxpayers to provide services and infrastructure (subway) that should be paid for by Torontonians, living in one of the cities with the lowest property tax rate in the country..


So yes, Rob Ford has some control over my affairs and I am not happy about it.

Message 8 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

How can anybody be so obsessed with 1 person who has no control over your life?


Are you talking about you and Harper?

You were the one who is obsessed about Ford.

Afterall it was you who started this thread.

Message 9 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

Well there seems to be a new poster who has decided to take my ID and alter it slightly.


Ford is everyone's problem because he is the mayor of the largest city in Canada and hence is very visible around the world and his actions reflect on Canada. Maybe some people don't care but I do.


Fontana is a nobody.  


And............. I don't live in London.

Message 10 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

Ford may get another term because there are people who will believe anything and other people who don't care about their city. It's an increasingly sad statement about society as a whole these days.

Message 11 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

Ford may get another term because there are people who will believe anything and other people who don't care about their city. It's an increasingly sad statement about society as a whole these days.


Do you mean like those who voted NDP or for the Liberals?

He should win if he is up against Chow.


Message 12 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

I don't deal in 'parties', I deal in people, individuals. So it doesn't matter what club they belong to.....if the person is a good person then they get my support. If not, they get the exact opposite.

Message 13 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

I am suprized the Star hasn't accused Fird of groping Hazel Mcallum when saved her from being pulled out of the boat by the big salmon during the recent fishing derby.

"He must have been drinking or high on something and took advantage when he had the chance".

Message 14 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

The question is: If he did, would she complain?

Message 15 of 16
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Ford....that pretty much sums it up

It takes one to know one


accused criminals, that is

Message 16 of 16
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