Only in the US .. Can't believe it

Let's not change guns laws yet because more Americans have killed each other then any terrorists have every killed Americans let's TRAIN out School how to react when the next crazy come to the schools to shoot at you ...




Wow is this really the US version of a solution really a training course on how to dodge bullets ... 14th in education i think that is being generous

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Only in the US .. Can't believe it

What does ''HOW TO DEAL WITH'' specifically mean? Does that mean protection, or armed defense, or psychological help?

Message 2 of 6
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Only in the US .. Can't believe it

It's like a fire drill except for dodging bullets LOL.. I guess it could be interpreted either way ..

Message 3 of 6
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Only in the US .. Can't believe it

Society and pop culture put too much stress on kids. Most learn to deal with, some start on drugs to escape, others suicide, some go ballistic. It's not "only in the US", Amanda Todd was Canadian.


But there is something about US. Police killing people in their own homes without warning or opportunity to comply and law calls it "justified". Police keeps property seized during raids thus creating incentive for more raids, aka state sanctioned murder for profit. It may not be so obvious just yet, but this is Orwellian time for US people.

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Only in the US .. Can't believe it

I do agree it is everywhere because well some people are just crazy but there is more then less in the US ...Obama had it right when he started to try and change the gun law.. 


Which I never understood tooooo much ...


USA is  the toughest.. NO ... Strength as a country is measured by armies and economics but strength of the people is not .. It's like a coward who shoots everyone is not strong they are a coward to scared to become strong enough ...


Where else in the world can you go buy a 60 of rye a shotgun and some diapers and kids toys at the same time ...


Law is Law but Availability I think has alot of affect on the situation too...


I don't understand the US way of thinking and I don't even think most US citizens really do either aside from the brain washed upbringing of needing 30 guns and a bunker for the next war ..


There is a Time and a Place for everything and school with kids do not mix with guns ...But i guess my perspective of normal comes from growing up in Canada ...


Don't get me wrong I know there is alot of Americans who see it aas wrong to just not enough of them



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Only in the US .. Can't believe it

Guns have been around a long time and with fewer regulations, but there doesn't seem the problems we have now. So the question is.........why now?

My take on it is the following:


- Too many kids are given prescription drugs which although meant to help they actually distort their views on life, society and people.


- Video games and movies. Yes I know a lot of people will say guns were in the movies for a long time and that's true, but how were they used? In movies and TV shows of the past there wasn't the rabid violence that went with the gun. Someone got shot and they keeled over, no blood, no fuse, no mess. On TV if anyone remembers the Lone Ranger, through all the episodes of that show that ran for 8 years, there was not one person was ever shot and killed on the show. Getting winged in the shoulder, or getting their gun shot out of their hand yes, but no death. Today though, in movies and on TV and especially in videos there is not only guns and death but it's so blatant it borders on blood letting pornography. This is desensitizing the youth and some have a hard time distinguishing between fantasy and reality.


- And lastly, kids don't have enough to do. My grandmother use to say "the devil loves idle hands". Where do you find most kids, especially those who have been deemed and treated like outcasts by their peers? You find them finding solace in front of a computer, cooking their anger and resentment and the future of others.

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