Strange Buyers

I have sold 9 Auctions over the last 6/7 days to two different Buyers so I sent the Invoices to both for the items. The first guy paid me today and when I checked the addresses they were both to the same address and both had the same Phone Number so I told the guy that I would combine the shipping because they were both at the same address he claims he has no idea who it is that is the other buyer. No claim that it was his dog who hit the buttons or is child bought them before he knew about it. I saved all the messages between him and myself as I don't like the look or sound of this one This is a strange one
Message 1 of 14
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Strange Buyers

I know it may cost you a few pennies, but maybe try telephoning both buyers' numbers? If you get the same voice, you'll know. This is very strange -- maybe he forgot to mention that he's a sleepwalker and uses his other ID to buy on eBay in the middle of the night. 😄
Message 2 of 14
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Strange Buyers

He E-Mailed me back and said he has no idea who it is even though it is the same address and Phone number and there is only him and his wife live there. It sounds like it is going to be another NPB case, things are slow enough that I hate to lose the few sales I am getting
Message 3 of 14
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Strange Buyers

Well, I have been rolling this around in my head. This might be worth a call to eBay. They would have an ISP attached to the other ID.

It is "possible", not probable, that this person does not have a secure internet connection and others are stealing his signal. No. Now that I have written that, it doesn't make sense.

I dunno. My ex would plot revenge against those that had never hurt her. Her brain was badly twisted. She would do things to me in anticipation of me doing something wrong further along, which never happened. This caused her to get madder and plot more revenge.

Bipolar is a nasty thing.

The guy wouldn't be having conversations with you and saying it is not him, if it was. No mileage in that.

File the UID as soon as you can and see if anything happens. Odds are very good that the second ID does not have a PP account. Hey! Does that second ID have a FD score?
Message 4 of 14
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Strange Buyers

Thank you for the suggestions I'll file with E-Bay right away. He has a Feed Back of 11 and the last entry was back at 29 May 2014

One of the numbers is  311029301628 and some of the Feed Backs are a little different.

The part that is strange is both buyers bought DDR Military items similar but not the same items.

When I contacted the first buyer after he paid and told him about the other Auctions from the same address and same phone number his only comment was that it is strange.

Message 5 of 14
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Strange Buyers

This is starting to look like a glitch. How does an ID get to be eleven if it is set-up as some kind of gag or scam.

File the UID and see what shakes out.
Message 6 of 14
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Strange Buyers

I just got off the Phone to E-Bay and gave them all the info. The Girl was fantastic and she said that they would be checking it out to see what it was. She was passing it over to security for them to look in to. My main concern was to get it on record in case there is a problem so now it is a waiting game too see if he does pay or E-Bay finds some thing

Message 7 of 14
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Strange Buyers

I filed for NPB on the Auctions today and I was surprised he was still there. So now it is a waiting game and I would be very surprised if he pays.

Message 8 of 14
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Strange Buyers

"I was surprised he was still there"




What do you mean?


Users do not get suspended because one seller files a non-paying report, regardless of the number of items involved.


At least four strikes are required from four different sellers before eBay takes action and it does not come instantaneously. eBay typically will contact the buyer with warnings and wait to see if the buyer had valid reasons not to pay. It happens often when seller bumps shipping charge for example.  That may not be the case here but eBay does not know that. They have to be fair or appear to be fair to all: buyers and sellers.

Message 9 of 14
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Strange Buyers

I filed for NPB last weekend and the last 1 cleared today. To no surprise there was no contact or paymemt on the Auctions and of course he was Blocked. I just checked to see and his E-Bay user name is still active but at least I will not have to deal with him again. I have not heard back from E-Bay on this one as of yet of their findings.
Message 10 of 14
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Strange Buyers

You won't hear back from them as they are not going to give information to you about another user.

Message 11 of 14
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Strange Buyers

I was hoping from a more complete ending to this story.

Message 12 of 14
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Strange Buyers

He is still on E-Bay so no doubt he will do the same thing again to some body else, he has 2 strikes judging from his Feed Back one from me and another Seller .
Message 13 of 14
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Strange Buyers

Since sellers cannot leave negative feedback, I hope you did not leave a false positive.

This is a violation and it can be removed if the buyer complains, leaving your selling account with a black mark.


It is also useless. Other buyers won't care about him, but will form an opinion about you, based on your feedback left.

Most sellers never see FB, because most sellers use Fixed Price listings and meet our customers for the first time when they pay.


Filing Unpaid Item Disputes is much less public, but does help other sellers, since most have Seller preferences set to Block automatically bids from deadbeats.

Also as pierre mentions, 'enough' UID Strikes and the member is booted.



Message 14 of 14
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