Top Rated Seller question

I did a search on top rated seller and found a similar post... but it turned into 6 pages of people complaining about shipping rates...

so. I was a top-rated seller on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of this week.

does that make sense?

isnt't is supposed to last for a month at least?

On an average month, I'll be a top-rated seller 14 or 15 days out of a regular month.

Seems a bit odd and confusing to me how they calculate it.

And does it affect my search rankings? Not that it's an issue as my items are usually pretty niche...

thanks for the advice/input/sarcastic comments in advance.
Message 1 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

I was a top-rated seller on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of this week.

does that make sense?

Anywhere else, no.

on ebay?

Still no.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 2 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

"does that make sense? "


Is it possible you checked your listings on (where you are a Top Rated Seller) on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and on the rest of the time (where you are NOT a TRS).

For example, the same listing viewed on eBay,ca and

You will notice the TRS logo only shows up on listings when viewed on eBay,com
Message 3 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

I've never been to I've never listed on is where I am every hour of the day.

now why would I not be a TRS on

it still doesn't make sense. in fact, it's even more curious and bizarre now then ever.
Message 4 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

There is no TRS program for .ca. The symbol is only visible when one is searching on .com.

Message 5 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

"I've never been to"

Then you could NOT have seen the Top Rated Seller logo on your listings.

It is only available at this time on (for Canadian and American sellers).
Message 6 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

By the way, the TRS logo is seen on listings when viewed on, regardless of where the item was listed.

You could have listed on and it will be seen on if you qualify for TRS. In other words, seeing the TRS logo depends where you view, not where you list.
Message 7 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

It is possible to see the TRS logo on You can see them in the recently viewed items. Here is an example:

Probably a glitch that has not been reported yet to eBay...

Come to my store
Message 8 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

Was the recently viewed listing on .ca? or .com?
Message 9 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

In this example I view it on but it is listed on

But it does not make any difference. I have the same result with an item listed on I will see the TSR logo in the recently viewed.

Come to my store
Message 10 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

"in the recently viewed"

but not current listings when viewed on That was the original question.

The two links supplied in post #2 clearly identify the issue.
Message 11 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question does it make sense?? I have seen it on my listings that I have posted on ebay motors, but not on my listings posted @ .ca. So, should I list everything @ motors to get the 20% TRS discount as opposed to the .ca PS Bronze 5%??
Message 12 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

Where the TRS logo is shown has nothing to do with the discount earned.
Message 13 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

I was wondering does anyone know I have been awarded the top seller badge but cannot locate it on any of my listings, when is it suppose to appear so buyers can see it???

Message 14 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

"I have been awarded the top seller badge"




When / how did that happen?  Did you receive a memo from eBay?  What does your "seller dashboard" state (exactly)?

Message 15 of 16
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Top Rated Seller question

Perhaps it takes a day or two to show up. You will only see it on .com. Later this year, they will be showing it on .ca as well.

Message 16 of 16
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