Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Hello and welcome to the PowerSellers Canada Discussion Board! And congratulations to all the new PowerSellers that have just joined us!

As a starting point for those of you not used to the Discussion Board format, please be sure to read the board usage policies to find out what you can and cannot post here.

These boards are designed for PowerSellers to discuss their successes and problems as well as a place to get more information as your businesses grow or change. We hope you use these boards to get to know each other and to share some tips and tricks you have learned along the way.

This board is not a customer support center but you will see eBay staff members coming to the boards every now and again to talk with you and help out when they can. The main board posters for eBay.ca are myself (Moira) and Darla. Customer Support can be reached from the PowerSellers Portal Page or by clicking here.

Again, welcome to the discussion boards!

eBay Community

Message 1 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
i got question why is theye so many sellers in the us getting a way with linking on line and what do t oavoid is change there user name over and used the same quite often. This has to be stopped i sick and tired doing your security jobs. But regrettly have inform you thats that i nail this also have been report the companies that prettended they sol. I hop this example for all because these peopl are to ve very broke really fast
Message 2 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
huh??? English please??? ?:|

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Message 3 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Sorry of course the person above doesnt make mistake. Mr perfect i guess doesnt have anything to do but look for mistakes. Make you should get real job and get life at that to
Message 4 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
just in case you need to correct me and read it twice the last sentence maybe u should get a real job and get life to at that. Sorry faster fingers than quick response get people like this all the time so whats the difference. Maybe i should start dumping stuff that u sell hmmmm would that be nasty
Message 5 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
But thanks for insult maybe you should look in mirror and take a look at yourself closer. I am disable and atleast i can look myself in the mirror. Notice spelling getting better cause it just barrels down to fact is when people pay attention they can do anything. I sel lwhat sell and your respone yes my english bad so when did you become my teacher,. In fact i be selling alot of items that you sell for next to nothing in couple of weeks. Thats one thing hate is rudeness and i will be dumping items for nothing get ride of rudeness like you. Have nice day and i hope you have funny in couple weeks
Message 6 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
What's your problem?? I wasn't rude or insulting! I didn't at all understand your question/statement. At all! None of it! Sorry. I try to be very helpful on the boards and would have been happy to answer you or give you my opinion about what you were concerned about but didn't have a clue what you were trying to say. Excuse the heck out of me!

You've got quite the chip on your shoulder and if you're insinuating that you're going to interfere with my auctions you'll have quite the problem on your hands. Why don't you just calm down a bit and stop being so darn defensive! geeze!

My husband and I are disabled too what's that got to do with anything? NOTHING! Quit using it as an excuse for your obvious anger management issues! With your attitude I can tell you're not going to be around for the long haul. Calm down for crying out loud. The world is not out to get you and I was NOT insulting you. Your statement was extremely difficult, if not impossible to understand. You'll find many people here are eager and willing to help you and anyone else but if you act the way you have been in your few posts on here, you're not going to get any help nevermind the problems people have trying to decipher what you're trying to say.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Message 7 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
I a pologize but i am offensive due to nature. As for wrecking auctions i wouldnt waste my time and effort. As for selling that sames why not its called business. As for me lasting long good luck on i problem selling item thats ten times more than one of yours. I guess in my situation i dont count on middleman. I am the man. I never said i was going interfer in auctions . Read what stated i will sell items just like yours its that business. Well as for people that dont under my englis so be it you look or not look it. I help some people and i hope they solve there problems.

Yes my ENGLISH and GRAMMER is BAD sorry for living. I never though it was rulle on ebay for grammer mistakes and spelling. Have nice day i dont want waste any more of your and especially mine.
Message 8 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

This is my first time on this discussion board since becoming a Power Seller last month...um, a quick question before I look any further...is everyone as rude and quick to offend and nasty as our little 'fishing buddy' here?

I thought this was a place where we could come to get support and help...not, *ugh*, this example of non net-etiquitte. Isn't there supposed ot be a 'higher power' that monitors what is posted on these boards?
Message 9 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Hi My-Imzadi!!

Welcome and Congrats on reaching Power Seller! How wonderful for you. 🙂 Most people are very good, kind, helpful and encouraging. Please feel free to look around, ask questions, post comments and answers to things. We're a good group for the most part. I've seen some nasty nasty stuff over on the US PS board - yikes!

Yes there is supposed to be but they seem to leave us alone to fend for ourselves. 😞 Unless something is reported that is and even then it's still a gamble if they'll do anything about it or not. There's even been a bit of a joke about the US PS board being notified of discussions concerning Canadian PS'ers but nothing on this board! 😮 Go figure. *shrugs*

Here on Gilligan's Isle.......... teeheehee :-p

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Message 10 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to jakeeangel and chuck111fishing. Life is too short for bad attitudes. Actually I find it amusing to decipher some posts and some eBay ads as well. I often wonder if some actually check their ads. Today I saw the shipping information under the heading " Payment Info" and under the heading "shipping Info" the ad says "I will send you an invoice" don't worry, - be happy! besides, - you gots all sober to sunday up in...
Message 11 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Chuck you need to slow down and read things over before you send them. Also use the spell checker. I'm sure what you have to say is important however it looses all meaning when nobody understands what you are saying. Lastly don't take everything so personal chill out a bit!
Message 12 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Please look at the dates of these posts. They were in September /05. We are currently February /06. Everybody and everything is fine now. :)

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction
Message 13 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Hi, I have recently became a powerseller. Congrat myself! hehe. I finally had a chance to visit the powerseller forum and I'm thrilled with all the information they have here.

I am quite confused right now with the Canada Post Powerseller program. I know there have been tons of threads here but I'm still a little confused. I am hoping some nice people can help me here.

I have used the link the thread it provided and filled the form, well it asked me th wait for 7 days. Now I log in the canada post website and here's another form for the venture 1 or commericial member. If I fill that form and start online shipping, will it have any interference with the one I previously registered? And I have seen many threads mentioned contract number, where do I get that? Also the CP website mentioned it's 8% discount, where I'v seen someone is getting almost 30% discount, how do I get all that?

Sorry for all the questions, will CP send me all these information through email including login and password?

Thank you!

Message 14 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

I have a question. How often does eBay update the Power Seller info on your account? For the past few months we have had sales that well exceed the silver level requirements yet my power seller info still says my sales are $2,000+ and I need to sell another $900+ to reach silver level. Right now I am sitting at $7,00+ sales for the last 30 days so it isn't like there is a small margin of difference that could account for time differences.

Anyone else in the same situation?
Message 15 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Strange reading the 'flames' .... although they were from a while back, as I thought his would be a friendlier group. Interesting to note that I cannot find user chuck111fishing any longer.

"What goes around, comes around"
Message 16 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
hello every one how are you all. hope every thing is good .I am new here I got my Power Seller status last week as a Silver level Yeppy 🙂
I am here to make new friends and learn some of your experiences on Ebay..
Best of luck and God bless.
Message 17 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
Hello, I am new to and not doing so well as a power seller. I can't seem to sell anything at the moment. Any suggestions? HELP!
Message 18 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Community Member
After having a Ebay Store for less than 2 years.. I've decided to leave, even though achieving "power seller status"

Issues selling on ebay:
1. Too many stores have links to their personal websites and links to offsite products encouraging off ebay sales. Using .com name as part of their logo etc... Reporting infractions as this has no results.

2. Increasing trend in low cost items with over inflated freight costs and now "insurance" to compensate for increasing ebay fees.Don't want to participate in this trend.
3. Many buyers do not want to pay the tax, even though tax rates are clearly stated in listing. Do you negotiate how much tax you pay when you go shopping?? I can't.
4. Selling features don't work, such as "Best Offer" People assume your cost for an item is next to nothing, because you are on Ebay.

5. Increasing fees for store owners, takes too much of the profit.

Ebay at one time was a great place to sell I'm told .

There I feel better,
Message 19 of 55
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Welcome to the PowerSellers Board!

Wow! I scrolled past several comments in hope to find an answer to my question but I feel as though I am intruding on personal arguements that are non of my business. Nevetheless, I have a question and was hopeful someone could help. I am a power seller but due to my vacation in August as well as health problems my sales were much lower last month. This month my sales are right back up there over $1,000. however, will I have to double this months income to compensate for the low income last month or am I safe to keep my Power Seller status for this month? Your help is appreciated. Thank you.
Message 20 of 55
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