What makes an item on eBay.ca not to show on eBay.com ?

I list on eBay Canada, and just stubled upon few items that do not show up on eBay.com. Not in auctions, not in stores (search for PIC10F200, eBay.ca has them, eBay.com nothing), but search for PicKit2 and see it on both sites.

Was kind of wondering why these particular listings are just going without much notice and this explains it.

Not sure what happened, all my listings have been posted to eBay Canada within last 2 weeks through exact same method.
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What makes an item on eBay.ca not to show on eBay.com ?

Even in the store only 198 out of 309 listings are showing. This sucks!
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What makes an item on eBay.ca not to show on eBay.com ?

Found an answer here: http://forums.ebay.ca/thread.jspa?messageID=500408907&forumID=44#500408907

Anyway, for some reason unknown to me right now over 100 of my listings show as shipping to Canada only. Gotta better check that Auctiva bugger I started using.
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What makes an item on eBay.ca not to show on eBay.com ?

Found the problem - do not use Opera Browser for revisions. It seemed much faster to add to descriptions at the time but "Ships to" field got screwed up.

Anyway, the conclusion is that eBay Canada is close to useless for my niche, no marketing value whatsoever.
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