Why there is no option for Express Shipping, Fast Shipping.Call it Scooby Do Delievers.

I have noticed,that much of The USA sellers have been getting their order your order that you have placed thinking that you're getting a USA productive,mean while they are getting your product from China,I have noticed that because the time it has been taking before it used to take about a week when you order from the USA,now it's taking 10 to 20 days.I know the products are from China,and shipped from China,I would be on Aliexpress if I want to order from China,%80 are Chines suppliers,hello I'm on Ebay.com




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Why there is no option for Express Shipping, Fast Shipping.Call it Scooby Do Delievers.

Hello.  I hear what your saying.  I think  the problem with Chinese products being sold in the U.S. is due to Chinese companies coming to North America and setting up shop.  They are here in Canada also.  In the last couple of years I have noticed products that are being sold out of China are now available from sellers from the States and Canada.  The wording in their listings are also identical to the listings coming from China.  I suspect that some Chinese sellers decided it would in their best interest to sell their product form North America because shipping from China can be a major problem.

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Why there is no option for Express Shipping, Fast Shipping.Call it Scooby Do Delievers.

Did you know you can proofread and edit postings so that others can understand and respond to them coherently?


I think you are surprised that some US sellers offer products that are not made in the USA.

Some are dropshipping from suppliers in China, or for that matter Roumania or Singapore or even Canada.

Some have the item in hand, even though it was not made in their own country.


Dropshippers are pretty easy to spot. If there are multiple identical product descriptions and pictures from several sellers, they are dropshipping and may never have seen the product they are pushing.


I have been on eBay since 2001. In my experience, most purchases from the USA take 15 to 20 days to arrive, and always have. If the buyer backs his Paypal account with a credit card this can be a bit shorter. If he uses his bank account it will take 20 to 30 days to allow the eCheque to clear two banking systems.


There is a Contact Seller button on every listing if you want to avoid products that are not made in North America.

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