shipping charge changes

What do I do about a seller who listed an item with a shipping charge of $5.83 but after I bought the item, seller is saying shipping charge is now changed to $19.58 and is giving me option of cancelling purchase. What are my rights?

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shipping charge changes

Is the seller in the USA?

Was the $5.83 the cost of shipping to Canada or to an American address?

Is the seller enrolled in the Global Shipping Program?


All these impact whether you are being charged correctly for shipping.

Basically, no, the seller must charge the advertised shipping rate.


Often buyers do not confirm just what that rate is.

If your seller is listing on eBaydotCOM, the US site, the default shipping will be to the USA. To see the Canadian shipping go to the Shipping and Handling tab at the top of the description box.

Enter your postal code.


If the seller is in the USA and using the GSP, there will be a note on the listing that Customs and Import Charges will not be charged at your doorstep.

Instead they are charged upfront by the program based on what the seller says about the item.

About $5 of that $19.58 would be the GSP service fee, $5.83 would be the shipping from the seller to Kentucky and the GSP plant. The rest would be applicable Canadian duty and sales taxes.


I suspect that the GSP is the question here because the new shipping charge is so precise.

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