Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

To my unlimited amusement, MLSE has again shown that they are an epic monument to corporate incompetence.

Today they announced the firing of GM Brian Burke, days before the new hockey season will open. Of course the stuffed shirts stand up in front of their press conference answering softball questions from Rogers  and Bell (among a few others) "media" types, failing to give any valid explanation for the firing or the exceptionally bizarre and embarrassing timing - making Toronto look like an absolute joke.

Yesterday MLSE already lowered the bar for Canadian professional sports organizations by announcing the hiring of a new coach for Toronto FC who has no coaching experience, no certification, is currently a player with QPR and will not be available to TFC until the season is half finished. :^O

Neither team has made the playoffs in memory.

MLSE of course owned by Rogers and Bell.

Is it any wonder that we have probably the worst telecommunications/media infrastructure in the western world?

I guess the only thing that can be said in MLSE's favor is that it is "conceivable" that Harold Ballard could have handled things worse over the last ten years.


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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

Was just going to post that also.


Did not know until my wife just called.


Loved what she said " He must of upset the mucky mucks."

Message 2 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

Community Member

Someone had to take the fall for no playoff birth during his tenure. Makes perfect sense Burke the guy at the top pulling the reins. 

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 3 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

It's the timing, Valve.

As TSN's Pierre Lebrun said,  "For him to be fired before a single game played is nothing short of shocking, especially given his role in the CBA negotiations," said LeBrun.

As BB's wife said, Burkie must have done something to upset the mucky-mucks.

Probably half of those boardroom guys have no clue about hockey at all, yet they  pull a move like this. Incredible. Sure gives you an insight into why the team has been so bad...

But here is where you really see the breakdown of the monopolistic / mega-conglomerate system....

Right when you need an unbiased media with a clear agenda to break down a numbskull move - oh-oh the two 37% owners of the Laffs also happen to own Rogers Sportsnet and TSN.

We saw what happened last year when one of the Rogers flunkies started criticizing the Blue Jays - CANNED!

(unfortunately, these conflicts of interest and moral/ethical cesspools are not only a problem in sports, it is basically throughout our whole society in Canada at this point)

Message 4 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

 Makes perfect sense Burke the guy at the top pulling the reins.

What doesn't make sense is the timing.

If Burke is being held responsible for the Leafs' dismal performance during his reign, why didn't they can him at the end of last season?

Go Jets!!

Message 5 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

Lots of rumours but nothing concrete. Strange.


Sun Media will have on the Front Page tommorow, right next to the women in Regent Park who found the snake in her toilet.


I'm sure we can all agree Sun Media has the best investigative reporters.:_|

Message 6 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

Apparently Burke is furious. No surprise there. Ha-ha - would be fun to see him go on air and expose some of the MLSE boardroom stuff. Too bad will never happen...

"Sun Media" in line with Peladeau Quebec City owner-in-waiting...

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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

the team has been so bad = Burke


For whatever reason, the Leafs seem to lack the desire to win - at all levels from management to players.  Because the Leafs are such a financial success, they don't have to win.  No matter what, they still have a huge stream of income.  Fans pass on seasons tickets in their wills.  Companies continue to buy seats and boxes.  Advertisers flock to buy time and endorsements.  T.V, stations vie to spend megabucks to broadcast the games.  As long as all these things are in place, why spend a dime to get and keep quality players.  Someone once said that the best way to ruin a promising rookie's career was to get the Leafs to sign him.  Heck, at least one of their #1 draft picks never played a game.  Thre is a culture of malaise amongst players and managment. 


Oh, they make the odd high profile spend - usually just before they blow their chances to make it into the play-offs.  Hire some high profile player to play until the season ends.  Next year, they will be somewhere else.  Give no-cut contracts like Halloween candy - to players that don't deserve them.


The team is a mess!  And still the fans love them.  Must be a bunch of masochists.

Message 8 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

Apparently Burke is furious. No surprise there. Ha-ha - would be fun to see him go on air and expose some of the MLSE boardroom stuff. Too bad will never happen...


If he wants another job in the NHL, he will definitely NOT do that.

Message 9 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

the team has been so bad = Burke

Not to get into too too much detail but jeez, the team Burke took over was a mess. So many aging players with no move contracts. The top centre when Burke arrived on the scene was who? Matt Stajan?

I'm not saying he did a great job but did some good moves in a very tough situation.

Anyway, I would be ok with letting him go after four years missing the playoffs except... do it in April, not days before the season starts, albeit 3 months delayed...

Message 10 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

Question the timing also, although we don't know what went on behind closed doors.


I'm sure it has got the players attention. Probably just the start of many upcoming changes.

Message 11 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

I'm sure it has got the players attention. Probably just the start of many upcoming changes.


The new GM has a golden opportunity.  I beleive that there are 13 Leafs whose contracts run out this year - and seven the next year.  This is the time to really start over - a few veterans and a base team of solid rookies.  Even in Toronto, a winning team is possible.  The Leafs have the money to do it right.  If nothing else, their fans deserve it. 

Message 12 of 13
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Maple Laff Sports & Entertainment ditches Burke

P.S. The word amongst the few sports reporters I know is that Burke's original hiring was supposed to be a temporary thing.  Then when Brendan (his son) was killed in 2010, the Leafs had to keep Burke or look totally heartless.  Enough time has now elapsed so that Leaf management don't come looking like a bunch of jerks. 

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