Ebay ipad app hides sellers' feedback percentage

I gave the ebay app a try on my ipad today. I noticed that seller feedback percentage, which on the website is displayed clearly in the search results, has been completely buried no matter which view you change it to.


If you want to see a seller's percentage, you have to go into each item on the list and scroll to the bottom.


Since feedback percentage is the first thing I look at when buying stuff on ebay, this has rendered the app completely useless to me.


I don't expect them to change the app just for me, but it would have been great if there was somewhere I could have left feedback. I have found no such link.

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Ebay ipad app hides sellers' feedback percentage

Could you show a screenshot of what you mean?

Can you see the seller's feedback by clicking on his name, which normally pulls up a page that leads to FB and listings.

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Ebay ipad app hides sellers' feedback percentage

I just use the classic version on my ipad so can't see what you are seeing but is it possible to customize search on the App? On my pc I have the option of customizing so that I do or do not see that seller info on the search page.

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