I'm trying to relist my items but...

...it will not let me. I was able to list ten and now it says unavailable. Does anyone know why? I need to sell my stuff as I am in need of money so it would be nice if it worked...and if stuff actually sold. Smiley Embarassed...



Message 1 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

I just found a new place to sell. 🙂 We will see what happens!

Message 2 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

"Does anyone know why?"


It may be that you have reached a limit




"Would be nice if it worked...and if stuff actually sold."


If I may be candid.  We have three very young granddaughters and have spent a lot of time shopping for them in the last few years (Children's Place, Carter's, etc...).


When I see your listings for toddler's t-shirt costing over $25 including shipping (12-24 months) I understand why nobody would buy these items from you.  They are grossly overpriced for mail order.  These t-shirts could be shipped lettermail within Canada in large envelopes (under 20mm thickness) for a few dollars.  You are asking $13 shipping.


Then to make matters worse, your listings state:

'Combined shipping not available. I ship each item out individually. "


Frankly I cannot think of any reason why you would not combine a few t-shirts into one envelope or package.  As buyers, I know that when Mary and I shop for our grandkids, we will often buy more than one t-shirt.


Then I see a book you list at $21 (including shipping).  Have you checked what your competitors on eBay want for the same book (200+ available):




The question is: why would anyone buy the book from you when they can buy it at a lower overall cost from 200+ other sellers?


I think part of the problem is your location.  You are used to pay very high prices for everything you buy and may not realize the rest of the world does not.


I see you found another venue to sell.


Good Luck.

Message 3 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

Yeah? Your logic is FLAWED as I listed this stuff (to see what would happen) at 99 cents for ten days AND IT DIDN'T SELL. So now I am asking what the stuff is worth and remember that I am in CANADA. Shipping costs here are ridiculous and I am not paying for it. So, if someone wants to buy my stuff, they will pay shipping.


99 cents, and not one sale. So don't tell me I am asking too much money.

Message 4 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

Also, those people asking such a low amount for their books ARE STILL NOT SELLING THEIR BOOKS. eBay is stupid.
Message 5 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

"their books ARE STILL NOT SELLING THEIR BOOKS. eBay is stupid."


I wish you would take some time to study the market on eBay.


That book sold 34 copies recently on eBay 😞




"eBay is stupid"




eBay is a venue.  Buyers make a decision to buy or not buy based on their needs and the perceived value offered in a listing.

Message 6 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

Insulting one of the Deans of Cdn sellers and a long term self employed entrepreneur. Good plan.


When Pierre speaks, even eBay listens.

Message 7 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

Hi everyone,

Please remember to keep the discussion friendly. Hostile comments/interpersonal disputes may result in warnings and/or the thread being locked.

Thank you for helping us keep the boards welcoming for everyone!



Message 8 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

The OP's listings look familiar.  The ID was just changed June 14th (which in turn was changed from an earlier ID).  I seem to recall we've all been through several rounds of offering advice to the OP on the previous ID, evidently to no avail, as I believe we pointed out some infractions that might restrict selling.  It's probable that the OP has once more run up against restrictions or limits as a result of poor selling practices. 


To the OP -- looking at the items you have sold, it doesn't appear that your goal in selling on eBay is to make money, since many of those items sold for far less than the free shipping you're paying out of your own pocket.  If you're just selling on eBay for the fun of it, and don't care if you spend your own money to clear out closets, etc., then you can probably ignore Pierre's advice (among others) and continue to throw your money away.  . 


But if you are looking to get some kind of profit, please go back and review some of the earlier advice you were given on this discussion board.  If you follow that advice you'll not only sell, but you'll make some money and you won't have to keep changing ID's to avoid eBay's restrictions. 

Message 9 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

@rose-dee wrote:

The OP's listings look familiar.  The ID was just changed June 14th (which in turn was changed from an earlier ID).  I seem to recall we've all been through several rounds of offering advice to the OP on the previous ID, evidently to no avail, as I believe we pointed out some infractions that might restrict selling.  It's probable that the OP has once more run up against restrictions or limits as a result of poor selling practices. 


To the OP -- looking at the items you have sold, it doesn't appear that your goal in selling on eBay is to make money, since many of those items sold for far less than the free shipping you're paying out of your own pocket.  If you're just selling on eBay for the fun of it, and don't care if you spend your own money to clear out closets, etc., then you can probably ignore Pierre's advice (among others) and continue to throw your money away.  . 


But if you are looking to get some kind of profit, please go back and review some of the earlier advice you were given on this discussion board.  If you follow that advice you'll not only sell, but you'll make some money and you won't have to keep changing ID's to avoid eBay's restrictions. 

Ow. Ow. Ow.


Rose, I too was thinking the same about the OP, being familiar. The item location of Whitehorse twigged in my fertile little cesspool of what passes for a brain.

Message 10 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

"review some of the earlier advice you were given on this discussion board."


Actually, looking at the items for sale today, it is quite obvious that the original poster did take some of the advise offered by many posters.


For example, those 12-24 month t-shirts mentioned earlier dropped in price by half, once shipping is included.


A quick look of all items listed and sold by the original poster shows:

- 364 completed

- 25 sold

for a "sell through" rate of less than 7% (only one listing in 14 sold on average, thirteen did not)


Then investigating a bit further, the original poster may have realized that of those 25 sales, most of them offered "free shipping" meaning the cost of shipping is included in the selling price.


Current listings have all been revised to match that reality. Now a few items are still overpriced in relation to the competition on eBay but listing "stuff" online is a learning experience.  New sellers will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. Some items are simply not meant to be sold by mail order.


Good work do far.


Now, it is a matter of cleaning up the listings for terms that do not belong there.


Descriptions are meant to sell, nothing else.  Everything has to be positive, yet factual.


To state "Combined shipping not available" is irrelevant when the listing offers "free shipping"  Actually, it works against the seller as a buyer may want to purchase multiple items which the seller could ship together saving money (if the seller is dropshipping, then the listing violates policy as far as item location is concerned).


Once again - everything must be positive.


"automatically submits unpaid claims after four days with no payment.  "

Is negative and does nothing to bring the reader to click on "Buy-it-Now".


Once again - everything must be positive.


"In the unlikely event that an item is damaged, blah, blah, blah "


Is negative and does nothing to bring the reader to click on "Buy-it-Now". That information is included in the return policy where it belongs.


Once again - everything in the description must be positive. "Everything I sell is fully guaranteed" is much more effective.


"I enjoy selling items and would like to own a store one day. I do have a full time job however, so this is a hobby for me right now."


Meaningless, who cares?  How does that help the buyer make a decision to buy now, to buy from you?


'as we are no longer allowed to include e-mail addresses in our listings. "

Meaningless, who cares?  How does that help the buyer make a decision to buy now, to buy from you?


"Excludes: ...PO Box"


As mentioned in another thread, this does not make sense.  Why exclude buyers with a PO Box since you ship by mail?


As I like to say to all relatively new sellers: KISS




Finally a few words on a personal note.


For fifteen years I have spent thousands of hours answering questions and inquiries on eBay discussion boards, first on eBay.com then eBay.ca. Although I am now retired,  I consider I have the business training and mail order experience to help newcomers struggling to sell online.  I call it "as I see it", without sugar coating. Some posters may be offended by the directness but I try to write posts addressing my message to all readers, not only posters.


Posters should not take criticism and suggestions personally. Selling on eBay is business.


Message 11 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...


Regardless of how little or how much I know about a subject, I always go looking for that person who knows more than I. I then benefit from their knowledge. To reject knowledge seems somewhat counter intuitive. What I do and how I do it, has been shaped by those who know more than I do. Other times, I have been trundling along, in a rut I did not realize I was in and someone says "try this".


"Try this" has frequently been a profitable opportunity I would not explore on my own. Should I callously denigrate the person because they have a different view? Should I hold them up for public contempt? Should I resort to the shallowness of name calling?


I do not agree with all opinions expressed here. Shockingly, others do not always agree with me! Hard to believe, I know.


I accept or reject ideas. Some work for me and some do not. I have been given some amazingly brilliant advice over the years. I have delved further into the words of these people and found them to be very intelligent with a wealth of knowledge in areas I would never have imagined.


This message board presents us as the thinnest of veneers. A 2D picture in a 3D world. Every now and then I get a view of who someone really is. The depth of their knowledge, abilities, life experiences is always staggering. Too bad some cannot see that.

Message 12 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...



Yesterday I posted "the original poster did take some of the advise offered by many posters."


That was then, this is now. This morning I noticed the seller in fact ended all listings instead of making improvements to the listings as suggested.

Message 13 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

If I ended all of my listings every time someone took a swipe at me ......
Message 14 of 15
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I'm trying to relist my items but...

I wonder how many people read or hear something about someone, somewhere, selling something for $10,000 on eBay or making $500,000 a year (or something).  It seem so easy!  Just hobby sell, be rich!  These successful sellers work extremely hard, it can't be just a hobby.


I sell as a hobby, listing my son's 104 DVDs was a crash course in getting back into eBay selling again.  I made/am making squat, but I'm learning, education is often immeasurable.  As is the quality of advice here.  Sometimes it's snarky and it seems tight knit with the old timers but it's always spot on.


I have friends who want me to sell something for them.  It's usually defective, wore out and there's no market but they got it for pennies and figure they can make money or they paid too much for it in the first place and want to recoup.  If it was so easy they would be listing their stuff themselves. 

Message 15 of 15
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