Partial Refund in Managed Payments CAD vs USD

I have a US buyer that purchased an item, and due to her own error, it didn't meet her expectations - at least with the price she paid. I offered her a refund with a return, but figured she'd file a INAD claim to avoid paying the hefty return shipping cost. So, I also I gave her the option of a partial refund, and she agreed to the partial refund in a specified US$ amount. I have a couple of questions about this:

1. Is there anything special I should do or ensure I communicate to the buyer before issuing a partial refund? Like, should a return request be opened with a partial refund resolution, in order for me to cover my butt?

2. If no request is required, will the buyer be able to change their mind and file an INAD claim even after receiving the partial refund? If so, does managed payments reflect the money already refunded, and only refund the remaining amount once the return has been received?

3. It looks like managed payments only allows a CAD$ refund amount - so how can I accurately calculate a US$ amount we agreed to? The buyer tried to grind me down to get more, but I stuck to the amount I first offered, so it's important to have this amount be as accurate as possible.

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Partial Refund in Managed Payments CAD vs USD

Managed Payments will take your loonies, turn them into USD, and refund her.


Currency exchange.

The American dollar is down about 3% today - which can change any moment. And that is the mid-market rate, not the "retail" rate we small change minions actually get.


So don't expect to know exactly how much will be refunded in loonies. It will be right enough but could change a few hours later.


Since the buyer seems to be a wheeler dealer (to be as polite as possible) it is very likely that if your refund is not to the penny what you agreed, she will continue with the NAD dispute.

You may find it worthwhile to go with sending the Return Shipping Label, getting back the (still saleable) item and then refunding the full amount.

Consider your options.

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