Tracking links

Why doesn't the tracking update properly from PayPal to Ebay?  I usually buy my shipping label through PayPal as it is super convenient, but once the tracking information ports over to Ebay it seems to loose track of who the carrier is....

If I manually add the tracking number, Ebay recognizes a USPS or Canada Post number and won't let you mix them up, but if I click on a linked USPS number attached to an order, I get taken to Canada Post's tracking info and vice-versa.  Right now, of five tracked packages, two link to the wrong carrier.  I have no idea what the purchaser is seeing...

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Tracking links

Odd. That sounds frustrating. Do you or have you in the past used both and to list and/or view your items? Is it one particular device that causes this problem? For the longest time, my iPhone would default to USPS or American carriesr for all tracking numbers despite that I’m obviously located in Canada.
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Tracking links

I've heard the odd person comment that their tracking number didn't transfer to ebay when their label was done in Paypal but haven't ever heard of a problem with the number going to the wrong postal site once it was on ebay. Very odd.


I am wondering though, are you actually printing USPS labels or are you referring to sending something to the US via Canada Post and then the USPS?   As far as I know you can't print a USPS label through a Paypal Canada account so if you are using USPS you must be printing your labels on another site? 


On this account it looks as if you are using Canada Post, not USPS.  If you  are using Canada Post, clicking on the tracking number from ebay should always take you to the CP site.  At least I don't ever recall being taken to  a USPS site when I've mailed an item in Canada.

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Tracking links

It is rather odd.  Yes, all my shipping is dropped of at the local Canada Post.  My labels are typically purchased through PayPal.  When I am shipping to the US, my tracking number has a "CX" prefix which Ebay recognizes as a USPS tracker (if being entered manually, I can't attribute it to CPC).  I have two recent sales that this has happened to, one a CPC tracking number that links to USPS and another the other way around.  I am wondering if it may be a glitch with the new "Seller Hub".  I checked on the US site and all tracking numbers indicate Canada Post as the carrier, but no link to external tracking.

Out of curiosity, I tried the UK site.  Got the same results as on

Message 4 of 8
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Tracking links

On my android app, the tracking shows fine.  However when I tap on the tracking number, it just copies the text.  Presumably so I could put it into the postal services app.

Message 5 of 8
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Tracking links

I'm not experiencing the same problems although I use Paypal Shipping now only VERY infrequently. Shippo works as it should. Sorry that I cannot offer any better insight. 


Maybe @happy_pigeon can help. Or open a tech ticket for you so that you can get to the bottom of it and make this work for you the way it is supposed to. Of less concern to me is how it appears to you the seller than to your buyers who might be getting anxious about items in transit that appear to have non-functioning tracking.  

Message 6 of 8
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Tracking links

Thanks for your input momqueen.  Both affected transactions have been gone off without a hitch.  It was just irritating and I wondered if anyone else was observing this.  For now I will chock it up to "Seller Hub" glitch and keep an eye out for it going forward.  If it happens again I will dig a little deeper.


Out of curious, why do you use Shippo over Paypal?

Message 7 of 8
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Tracking links

Until recently, Shippo had less costly postage versus PayPal Shipping because there was an additional ebay-negotiated discount. But that ended July 1 when the contract with Canada Post expired.

Also, Shippo has all its Tracked Packet destinations accurately reflected in its workflow whereas PayPal Shipping is missing half. (I only ship via Tracked Packet outside Canada for parcels.)
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