profile picture is broken

Not matter what I upload for my profile picture, it is always not showing. Anyone knows what I need to doprofilepicture.jpg

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profile picture is broken

Community Member

Hi @leononlinebox - that's really interesting... would you get me more details about your profile photo (file type, size, and dimensions)?


Does it act like it uploads okay and then nothing changes or does it get stuck in the photo upload screen?

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profile picture is broken

Yes, it is very interesting. I tried several different file type (jpg and png) and size (low 32px to high 300px). For dimensions, i only used square picture (the width and height are the same). All of them are not working. Not sure if it is a bug or something.

Message 3 of 4
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profile picture is broken

According to

Recommended size: 1200 pixels wide x 270 pixels tall, and up to 4MB in size.



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