Sold from Canada to USA. Who pays sales tax?

EBay charged my buyer for sales tax and announced to charge me too for PST/HST. IMHO selling and exporting to USA is free from Canadian sales tax. Please clarify

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I pay Canadian tax for " ... my own fees"? The sales price ($6500)? Fees for PST or GST or PST? Every normal auction house that stages an on-line auction cannot and does not charge sales tax if the winning bidder requires shipping out of the country.


We actually have a B&M (and online) auction house.

We charge GST /etc on fees to both buyers and sellers.

Consignor and buyers fees are normal at auctions, at least the kind with catalogues and a billing department.

Perhaps not at outcry country auctions.


We're not talking about the buyer here.

They pay tax to their own country.

We are talking about the fees you pay to eBay for their services.