
As some of you may know, Adcommerce for USA and Canada was discontinued yesterday in its present form.

Does anyone have info about a replacement program in any form whatsoever?

Message 1 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

The program was discontinued on and

It continues on, and other European sites.

AdCommerce is the third attempt in ten years by eBay to get money from eBay sellers for advertisements on the site, in addition to listing fees. eBay comes back with a new format/scheme every three years.

I expect a different program ("new and improved") will be available for sellers by 2013.
Message 2 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Yes, Pierre, and we still have campaigns in 9 different countries running.

I was just sure if there was now a program where (for more $$'s) one could have ads that defaulted to outside of eBay stores.

Such ads are already available on eBay, albeit not from Adcommerce.

Message 3 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Yes Bernie, Adcommerce is running a test on .ca and .com with some is my post from the other Adcommerce thread today:

Well as I have mentioned in the recent past, I was chosen as one of the test pilots for the new Adcommerce that links directly to your website instead of taking you to your ebay store.

To start me off, they called me and personally helped me get the ad up and running, and said they (her name was Christine), would follow up on the following Monday. That was at least 3 weeks ago if not more, and still no call. Not surprised...... X-(

Message 4 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Yes, Axe, I had previously heard that (from you?) and that I why I started the thread.

I guess they are not ready yet and we may get contacted in the future.

Is your test ad working and, if so, a sample keyword please and what was the cost?

Message 5 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

I finally found an hour to prepare and start a campaign on eBay-France.It is running in all sub-categories in the "Timbres" (stamps) category.

Spent some time making sure the copy was effective. Yet, I managed a huge typo! ("Englais" instead of "Anglais").

No excuse. 😞
Message 6 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Englais" instead of "Anglais


Gosh, when a Frenchman doesn't know how to spell the language of "les blokes" 😉
Message 7 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Hi Bernie,
Test ad seems to be not working very well, and still no reply from the girl that helped me set it up for .com.

It currently is showing :
Three weeks and 370,000 impressions
130 clicks to my website.
Max cpc was .08 cents, and the average is .05 cents.
So far only cost about $6.50.

Message 8 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Where does it show and how does one get it to show? I won't click on it and you cam PM me if you prefer. I would just like to see how it works as Adcommerce was really good for us.

Message 9 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

When you do an item search on .com, it shows at the bottom of the search pages in the Sponsored Results area, which is all direct links to websites.

I believe that I am getting some hits, but there may be alot of competitors paying way more money than me, so they are getting way more impressions and higher placement. I have only seen my ad once, but I spend zero time on stuff like that anyway- too many irons in the fire, I guess.

Still pretty cheap for the exposure, though, and I may just have to tweak the ad when I get some time, to reap more benefit from it. (certainly not until fall, though- life's too short, and summer won't last forever, plus, any more than 4 hours a day spent on this eBay stuff starts to make it feel like a job instead of a hobby!) :_|

Message 10 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

The AdCommerce campaign on eBay-France is doing well. It is generating lots of impressions and hits with several sales to new customers in strange places such as Corseca and Tahiti (French Polynesia).

Ads on eBay-Belgium and eBay-Ireland generate very little traffic and no new customers yet.

Changes to my eBay-UK and eBay-Australia campaigns have been beneficial and have generated a substantial number of impressions and hits with numerous sales to new customers (on and off eBay).

Overall, in the sales week, the number of hits to my store has doubled over the same period last month! 🙂

As I can hardly handle the volume currently (over 16 combined purchases daily on eBay in addition to my regular business), there is no point in expanding the advertising at this time. The next campaign will be on eBay-Germany of course (the busiest site next to .com).
Message 11 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Pierre, does the ad have to be in the language of the country or can it be in English? I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't remember the answer.
Message 12 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

For us, # of hits have been in following order:


Whereas the latter 4 are insignificant.

The beauty is that we have zero competition for the ads, get top placement and only pay a penny per hit. Furthermore, International customers buy way more per order.

When creating an ad, the system gives you a choice of languages, mostly only one. Not sure if the ad would be disallowed if not created in one of the official languages but it would stand to reason that you use the countries official language (s).

Message 13 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

"Pierre, does the ad have to be in the language of the country "


"or can it be in English?"

NO (except for Ireland, UK and Australia)
Message 14 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Thank you for your replies.

I am thinking of trying ads on .au and .de. I'll need to do some research first but is there anyone on the boards who is able to help with translating an ad to German?

Thanks 🙂
Message 15 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Sure, I can translate to German, French and Spanish. Even to English if you like 🙂

Message 16 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

Thanks Bernie, I really appreciate that! 🙂

I think that I'm ok with the English though...well sort of. lol I used to get A's in English, grammar, spelling etc. but so much of what I once knew seems to have slipped away or perhaps it is just stuck into a few corners that I have trouble accessing these days.. 😞
Message 17 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

In my ads on eBay-France and eBay-Belgium (in French), I wasted one line in the advertisements to state that correspondance will be in English.

I intend to do the same when I list in Spain, Portugal and Germany. I will skip Italy.
Message 18 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce


You must have special privileges, Pierre.

Just out of curiosity, why would you insist in communicating in English in French-speaking countries in view that your mother tongue is French. Just curious...

And, why skip Italy?

Message 19 of 23
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Re: AdCommerce

All my templates are in English and I simply do not have the time to translate. Since the listings are in English only, there is no point in bringing buyers to my listings if they do not understand English.

Oooops! No Portugal in the list of countries available to AdCommerce.

Why skip Italy? Somehow, I seem to have more delivery problems in Italy than any other country other than Russia and the USA.
Message 20 of 23
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