Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

Community Member
Hi everyone,
When I woke up this morning I had received this email from one of my buyers:

"I received the jeans today and am surprised to see a 34/30 sized pair. That's strange. I could have sworn I bought a 33/30 pair. WAIT!!! I DID!!! What the heck is this? I don't wear 34 waist size! The jeans you sent me are not the same ones you had pictured on the ad either. What a jip! I want my money back, and you can also pay for the return cost of shipping the jeans back to you. Or I can report it to Ebay and they call hold all your Ebay activity until the conflict is resolved."

The item # in question is 3935195186, and I think I was pretty bloody clear that the jeans were tagged a 34, but now measured a 33.. Also guaranteed, the jeans that were in the pics were what he received, (I remember those clearly), and they were pretty much as new with no wear at all..

The real problem is that I cannot respond to his email, as it is an AOL account that will not accept incoming. I have tried many ways and keep getting the Mailer Demon (sp?) thingy after each try. I have also tried to pull his contact info to phone the &*%$, but eBay has not emailed me the info and it has been almost a complete business day now... I don't want to get my first neg just because this guy can't read an auction description, and eBay's mailing system sucks right now... Also can he have my account eBay held or current auctions ended?
Any suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

Community Member
First of all eBay will do NOTHING so dont fret about your buyer reporting you to eBay. There are probably a million stupid buyers like yours everyday emailing eBay about transactions they felt were incorrect or fraudulent. Ebay could care less and do not have the time nor the manpower to look at any of these issues, not now, never.

Open up a hotmail account (no charge) and email your buyer from there and make certain that you point out his ISP (AOL) has spam blockers preventing you from emailing him from your business server.

Email him the link to the listing. I had a guy purchase a Puprle Violin and he swore my ad said Electric Violin and said that I changed the listing after the sale.

There is little that you can do if someone is determined to leave you with a neg. Just remind him that he will be getting a neg in response to the one he leaves you. Once again, dont fret it, it wont cost you any business and you have the opportunity to leave a follow-up comment to his comment.

If he leaves you a neg and you leave him a neg, you can go to eBay and file for a mutual withdrawl of those negs.

Dont waste too much time on the idiots as they will cost you money and energy when you should be spending your time with your good customers, getting more sales.

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Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

Community Member
I usually send to aol accounts through ebay and it seems to work OK.

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Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

Community Member
Sounds like buyer remorse. And no, they can't do anything to your account.
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Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

I hate buyers like that...and congrats on maintaining that 100% feedback level. I sure hope this guy doesn't leave you negative feedback.

I had a great transaction where I was the buyer and the seller blamed *ME* that the listing wasn't what I received.

Some people are just clueless. 🙂

Malcolm said it best though. Even if he leaves you a negative (which is the worst he can do really), you can return the favour, and then file for mutual withdrawl and then cross your fingers.
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Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

Community Member
Thanks for the suggestions and info... I emailed him through a Hotmail account, as suggested, and assume that it got through fine... I basically told him to measure the bloody things or perhaps try something as novel as to "actually try them on before wailing me out", and that if they were anything other than what I had listed in the auction, then I would refund upon return... Haven't heard anything back since... We'll see.

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Any Advice on How To Deal With This?

Community Member
I use too get New Damaged (small holes) Stone washed GAP Jeans In Vancouver by the boat loads from International Deniam. Take them too UBC and sell them for a tidy profit ,,,Boy I miss those days

Sold 500 pair in 4 days , took the cash back too the owner
Would hand him a back wade of cash . He would open the desk drawer and through it down and say "Vegas Money" as he closed the drawer too the desk

All I can say is clothing is so hard to sell on Ebay AT TIMES IT'S GREAT

some times it's not
Auction Drop N Ship
Drop It, Sell It, Ship It

Canada's Ebay Drop Off Store
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