Anyone here using UBUNTU operating system ?

One of my computers crashed last Friday.  The problem was the hard drive.


The "computer geek" who repaired my tower (and recovered most of the files but not my email addess book) installed UBUNTU as operating system instead of reinstalling MS-XP (original disk supplied).


Anyone here having any experience with UBUNTU ?


Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?


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Re: Anyone here using UBUNTU operating system ?

I hate acronyms.


I did a quick internet search and like anything there are good and bad reports but for the most part it's good. Sorry, can't help you more but I only understand the computer from what I use. I keep hoping for a 12 year old kid to move down the road so I can have my own computer geek on call. Kids seem to know more about these cursed machines than I ever will.

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Re: Anyone here using UBUNTU operating system ?

Hi, Pierre,

Ubuntu is one of the LINUX based operating systems, so for starters will run much faster on an older computer. Ubuntu has it's own website, where you can ask if you run into problems.


But all the Linux interfaces these days are very much like Windows or Mac. So it should not be too difficult to get used to it. Once your "geek" has installed for you all the applications you need. And they are  all free!!! 


I had Linux "Open Suse" parallel running with "Windows XP", I absolutely loved it!!! Everything downloaded for free!! And they have all applications and programs under the sun.

Then one day Windows would not load anymore, before crashing each time, + I used Open Suse

for 4 month, before I bough Windows 7 PC - I can't live without Photoshop + could not get into 

Gimp - the Linux Graphic program.

Otherwise I would still be with Open Suse!!! I LOVE LINUX!!!


But that has irked me ever since, so I am buying now a netbook (before they disappear) wipe the OS and install some Linux OS on it  - just to get to grips with Gimp.


I hope that is of help!

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Dxie xx



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