Beware of New Spam email that may have a virus

Community Member
Hi all,

I got an email earlier in the form of a "question form member" email. It looks just like it came from an ebay member. Mine said "I Paid for my item. When is it going to be shipped?" I didnt remember the username, so I clicked on the link to view the auction involved. The page that came up said "action cancelled". So, I looked at the link and saw the auction number. Using a different page I searched for that auction, which was for a car(?!?!).

I then forwarded the email to They advised me that it is not from ebay or any ebay member, and it MAY contain a link with a keystroke virus. I scanned my computer, and I have been lucky...I was not caught. But I thought I would warn any of you out there who may have not seen this type of spam email before(as I hadn't either).

take care,


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

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Re: Beware of New Spam email that may have a virus

So much for the protection offered by eBays cumbersome new email system 🙂

Thanks for the heads-up, Jaqui.
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Re: Beware of New Spam email that may have a virus

Community Member
Thanks Jaqui, that's a new one to me too.

I'd already noticed that eBay's "protection" via their "new & improved ASQ" wasn't working - I've been getting a tonne more spam on my eBay email addy lately - almost 3/4 of my email to that address, which isn't used for anything but eBay, has been spam.



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Re: Beware of New Spam email that may have a virus

Community Member
No problem! I am glad to add a little help...I have received a ton of it myself in here, so when I can return the favor....

I have a question too, which is changing topics, but I am not sure it requires a whole new thread....

I had NPB earlier in the week. The person signed up on ebay, then on the same day bid & won at least 35-50 auctions. Clearly they didnt pay for even one, because now they are NARU'd(in less than a week from siging up). Then I got an email from another seller warning me about a bidder I had on another item, and saying this bidder is using multiple ID's, and the other ID name given was that of my NPB from a few days before. Naturally, I cancelled the bid, and blocked the bidder. When I checked the history of the second person, it was the identical story....they signed up 2 days after my NPB, and have bid on & won at least the same amount of auctions. They have a clear pattern on the type of things they are bidding on as well. My question is: can eBay find out the id's of a person doing this, and where/should I report this?

Thanks, and take care,

Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

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